The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1604 The Black-bellied Queen and Her Lover 1

Chapter 1604 The Black-bellied Queen and Her Lover 1
On the high throne, Quan Jiayun leaned lazily there, glanced at the officials below, and said casually: "How many days has it been since General Si didn't come to court?"

When the officials below heard this, they couldn't hear the words, and looked at me carefully, and I looked at you.

In the end, the prime minister standing in front replied, "Report to Your Majesty, this is the seventh day."

Quan Jiayun twitched the corners of his mouth and smiled lightly, "I've been sick for a long time."

Quan Jiayun sighed and thought, did she go too far this time?
It actually made him pretend to be sick for seven consecutive days to avoid going to court to see her.

This time, she just deliberately summoned him when she was soaking in the hot spring so that he could see her undressing. One pretended to be drowning with cramped feet, soaking his whole body, and just ate two handfuls of tofu with his abdominal muscles.

Quan Jiayun remembered the last time.

The last time she led the army to go on an expedition, when she was camping, because it was winter there, she temporarily wanted to tease this paralyzed ascetic general Si.

So she pretended to be cold, and pulled back Si Chengtian, who always had an ice face.

The moment she pulled, she felt Si Chengtian's hands tremble, and her whole body became stiff.

Quan Jiayun remained calm, looked at Si Chengtian with drooping eyelids, and said in a shrunken tone, "Aiqing, I'm cold, please think of a less cold way for me to relieve my worries."

Si Chengtian's downcast eyelashes fluttered, and he said immediately: "Your Majesty, please wait a moment, I will find a new quilt right away."

So Quan Jiayun looked at this puzzled Si Chengtian, hurriedly broke free from her hand and ran out, and soon brought back a new quilt under the wind and snow, and he warmed the quilt very thoughtfully up.

This almost made Quan Jiayun laugh.

Quan Jiayun looked at Si Chengtian who took two steps back, and teased him more bluntly: "It's still not enough, my body is still cold, I think, the temperature of the human body is warmer, why not use Aiqing's help?" A body to keep me warm?"

Sure enough, Quan Jiayun lifted the quilt, revealing a single shirt inside, and saw that the cold-faced general really didn't dare to face her.

Si Chengtian covered his eyes and said solemnly: "Your Majesty, this is unreasonable."

Quan Jiayun smiled casually: "What's unreasonable, I'm cold, you should share my worries as a minister of power, if Ai Qing doesn't want to, then go and call the prime minister in."

Hearing this, Si Chengtian didn't move.

Quan Jiayun raised his eyebrows.

Looking at each other, Si Chengtian said in a low voice: "That minister is presumptuous."

He took a step forward and hugged Quan Jiayun tightly together with the quilt.

This action made Quan Jiayun amused again, why is he so funny, she said with a smile: "What's the use of being separated by several layers of quilts? It should be like this."

As Quan Jiayun said, he put his hand into Si Chengtian's warm chest.

Si Chengtian's body trembled from the ice, but this time he didn't move.

But how could Quan Jiayun just let him go like this, she looked at his red ears and sides, took a breath, and teased: "Aiqing, why are your ears so red! It looks like it's been steamed , looking at it, I really want to..."

Quan Jiayun took a bite at this point, and directly expressed her intention to take a bite with her movements.

This bite, coupled with a movement of the hand, scared people away again.

(End of this chapter)

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