The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1628 Shocking, Jiang Shanxue is gay

Chapter 1628 Shocking, Jiang Shanxue is gay
As Quan Jiayun said, he stepped up from the open hatch, because the fuselage was [-] meters high, so Quan Jiayun didn't need to bend down when stepping in, Quan Jiayun could see the inside clearly at a glance.

Because the fuselage itself is circular, the space inside is also circled. It can seat about a dozen people in total, and if it is squeezed a little, it can accommodate more than [-] people.

In the middle of the ring, there is a holographic virtual projection screen.

Obviously, it is used to discuss military work in peacetime.

Quan Jiayun walked to the middle position and sat down, took the remote control from the air to turn on the virtual projection screen, and Si Chengtian who followed up sat down beside her.

Han Shaoqin in the front cab started the flying saucer.

Quan Jiayun turned on the screen one click, and the current affairs news popped up one by one, and eight out of ten were related to her. It was the first two days, and her enthusiasm had not completely subsided.

Quan Jiayun smiled slightly, looking at these news headlines with great interest.

After Jiang Jianmin's incident happened, she rushed back to Lanyuezong to deal with her mother's affairs. She didn't know the reaction of the outside world, but she could probably guess what it would be like.

Sure enough, the pieces of news were similar to what Quan Jiayun had guessed.

Looking back on the year when Jiang Shanxue became famous, let us see who is Jiang Shanxue?
Where is Jiang Shanxue's combat power in today's world?

Analysis, are Jiang Shanxue and Si Chengtian enemies or friends?

Skimming through these headlines one by one, what interested Quan Jiayun was the first one that turned up, the one with the big red explosion.

Shocking, shocking, Jiang Shanxue is gay, and he hooked up with Si Chengtian.

As soon as Quan Jiayun saw the title, he smiled crookedly at Si Chengtian.

Si Chengtian hugged her, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly when he saw the title.

But he didn't feel angry at all, and he was even happy in his heart.

Because she was smiling so happily.

If he could make her smile, he wouldn't mind even if his reputation was ruined a bit.

Si Chengtian never paid much attention to things like reputation, and he didn't mind what the outside world said about him.

He looked down at her smiling face, and said softly, "Just smile, when will you rectify my name?"

"Don't worry, isn't this interesting?"

Quan Jiayun smiled and clicked on the title, and as soon as he entered, there was a picture of him sitting on Si Chengtian's lap and kissing, but it was not very clear and a little blurry.

Obviously, this was secretly photographed by the Wu family.

Then all kinds of provocative words described how the two were, and almost didn't describe the two as dogs and men. Obviously, this was also a draft ordered by the Wu family to discredit the two of them.

Then in just two hours below, there are already hundreds of thousands of comments.

Quan Jiayun slid down and saw that the one with the most likes was this one.

Armor A: Damn it, Jiang Shanxue is simply too powerful and domineering. Is there anything he can't do after taking down someone like Si Chengtian? Kneel down.

Obviously, this passerby's testimonials are in line with the views of passers-by watching the show, so it was praised the highest.

Among them, Lou Zhonglou responded to the N floor, some echoing, some refuting, and some insulting.

This one got the second most likes.

A and B: A vicious synthetic image of spreading rumors, General Si is not gay, he has a girlfriend, don't tie up a murderous man like Jiang Shanxue with General Si who loves the people like a son.

(End of this chapter)

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