The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1629 General Si Domineering Declaration

Chapter 1629 General Si Domineering Declaration

Obviously, the second most likes are the fanboys and girls that General Si has accumulated over the years. They can't accept such a thing, so they are resolutely unwilling to accept such a thing.

The building in the building here is also full of colorful dances and various comments. Of course, the highest dancers are those extreme fans who have been sucked by Jiangshan blood these days.bore
The third point of praise is this one.

A C: Whether these two people are together, I'm not sure, but I can use the head on this picture to guarantee that it is [-]% real.

As for the comments below, there are all kinds of them, fancy guesses and analysis, all kinds of passionate insults.

There are two types of insults, one is that both fans of sisters and brothers scold each other, and each looks down on the other, and the other is that some straight male cancer patients passionately insult homosexuals to death.

Because in today's society where the population is shrinking sharply and multiple births are called for all the time, homosexuality has been beaten back to before the Chinese New Year, and it is no longer accepted by the public.

If you are gay, you will be kidnapped by morality, especially lesbians who are not strong enough.

However, in real life, this group of people only dare to slander some weak people, such as Jiang Shanxue and Si Chengtian, they only dare to use their anonymity to spread their words.

Of course, they dared to do this because of the large number of people, because even though it is anonymous, if the high-level people really want to check, they can still find out who published it.

Only a small number of people are whispering, do you feel that the two are a good match like me?

Then a part of it was secretly poked back, yes and yes, the domineering attack X Gao Leng Bingshan received something too cute: No no no, it is clearly the Gao Leng Emperor Gong X evil charm madly receiving.

So because of Xipi's attack and receiving problems, this wave of people also had to pinch them.

Quan Jiayun flipped through these tricky comments, with a smile that didn't disappear on the corner of his mouth, and was not affected by some of the insulting comments.

When Si Chengtian looked at the words insulting Jiang Shanxue, his eyes suddenly became sharp.

these people! !

If these people were in front of them, Si Chengtian probably wouldn't show mercy to them.

How could his sweetheart be trampled upon by others!

Looking at these remarks, Si Chengtian moved his hand, turned on his communicator, logged in to his personal homepage, which he usually only uses to make important announcements, and moved his fingers.

Then countless people who followed Si Chengtian's homepage immediately received Si Chengtian's new news.

People who are browsing the Internet will click to open it.

I saw that there was only a short sentence on it.

Si Chengtian: I'm chasing Jiang Shanxue. If you don't want to die, just pay attention to the remarks.

When everyone saw these words, their eyes widened in disbelief, and they felt that the world was a bit magical.

Because since Si Chengtian took the position of five-star general in the Southwest Base, he has never used this account to publish a personal matter, but now for Jiangshan's blood, he actually posted it.

And it's such a powerful word.

The meaning of maintenance in the matter of words is too strong.

He was actually warning, warning everyone.

A while ago, countless people who were too frightened started to post their real-time updates on various forums.

Ahhh, what's the matter?General Si actually stood up. Could it be that General Si had his account hacked by some troublesome person? This is simply not like his operation.

Oh my god, it's terrible, I didn't expect this to be true, it's a slap in the face, it's a slap in the face.

I'm really going crazy, what the hell, General Si has a girlfriend named Mu Youyun, so what's going on?
(End of this chapter)

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