Chapter 1632
Not being able to kill a Tier [-] warrior with your own strength is at best a fluke plus I have an IQ, but obviously there is a gap with other Tier [-] warriors.

Therefore, this time, Quan Jiayun was able to break through the rest of the crowd and rank fifth in one fell swoop. It was already because of his charisma that attracted too many people to vote for him.

Si Chengtian looked at the ranking and commented objectively: "Your ranking is low."

How could his baby lose to others.

Quan Jiayun heard the words, and deliberately said modestly: "It's not low, the ones above are either Nascent Soul monks, or fourth-rank warriors. I, a monk who has just entered the Golden Core, can be ranked fifth, and they are already high on them."

Si Chengtian didn't believe what she said.

This little devil is used to pretending.

Quan Jiayun looked at the five places from sixth to tenth.

Among the five, apart from the deputy leader who followed Cangxuan, the others were those whose names Quan Jiayun had seen before, and among them, the president of Ruyi Society also occupied a place among them.

After browsing around, Quan Jiayun had a general understanding of the current situation in the Chinese warrior world.

Now in the entire Huaxia region, there are only three Tier [-] warriors so far.

Originally there were five of them, one was killed by Quan Jiayun, one was killed by Cang Xuan, and now the remaining three are on the top ten list.

However, this is not [-]% accurate, and there may also be individual fourth-tier warriors who are afraid of the pressure of the cultivators in this world, so they want to hide their strengths and bide their time.

There is another one, besides her, Cangxuan, and Cangxuan's deputy alliance, the other seven are all warriors, but in fact, some monks in the late stage of Jindan have not yet shown up.

These monks in the mid-to-late stage of Jindan can compete with warriors of the third-level, seventh- and eighth-level.

They didn't show up before, just because there were too many third-tier fighters in number. It's different now that Cang Xuan takes the lead in the world, and there may be great changes every week after that. Those warriors who haven't advanced to the fourth rank It will definitely be swished down.

So Quan Jiayun didn't take the ranking of the Tianbang seriously.

Just as a reference.

If the ranking of this Tianbang is to be more accurate, at least it will take some time until it stabilizes.

Quan Jiayun closed the Tianbang, and then looked at other interesting news, while Si Chengtian hugged her and fed her various after-meal fruits and desserts from time to time.

For monks and warriors, no matter how much energy they eat, they can consume energy. Basically, there will be no big fat people weighing more than a few hundred catties, unless they fall asleep and lie down every day waiting for someone to serve them without practicing.

In this happy and peaceful time, soon, the flying saucer fighter stopped.

Si Chengtian said, "Here we are."

Quan Jiayun turned off the holographic screen and stood up.

Si Chengtian looked at her and reminded: "There are people outside, do you want to change your appearance?"

He remembered that she seemed to mind getting too close to him with Quan Jiayun's identity, but now it's Jiang Shan's blood, and now, she is appearing as Quan Jiayun...

Of course he doesn't mind.

But I'm afraid she won't mind.

Quan Jiayun's eyes flickered, and he looked at Si Chengtian with approval. She was about to ask him about this, but she didn't expect that he had considered it for her in advance.

Originally, she could go out to find out directly with her spiritual sense, but she didn't, because since there is a gift, it is interesting to keep a certain amount of surprises.

She didn't even let her senses out.

Quan Jiayun said: "Of course I have to change."

(End of this chapter)

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