The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1633 I Like This Gift

Chapter 1633 I Like This Gift
During the speech, Quan Jiayun's stature elongated, and his face began to change gradually, just like that, in Si Chengtian's eyes, he became Jiang Shanxue again.

Fortunately, Quan Jiayun basically wears unisex clothes, so even if she transforms, she doesn't need to change clothes.

After his appearance changed in an instant, Quan Jiayun walked out of the hatch first.

The sight is the huge military field and the soldiers standing there densely and neatly. The picture is extremely shocking and spectacular.

Si Chengtian unexpectedly took her to the military center of the East China base.

As soon as Quan Jiayun appeared with Jiangshan's bloody face, the soldiers who had been waiting there for 10 minutes all looked over in unison, and then saluted in unison.

Quan Jiayun looked at this magnificent scene, turned his head to Si Chengtian who was following her, raised his eyebrows and said, "This is it?"

Si Chengtian met her gaze and said: "Yes, this is a gift for you. It has all been compiled and organized. Those gathered here include the general, major general, and platoon leader of each platoon."

To prevent her from being displeased, Si Chengtian added: "I guessed that you were going to be included, but seeing that you might be busy and didn't have time to deal with it, I helped to deal with it."

"I took the opportunity to rectify this matter. The main credit is because you destroyed the Jiang family. Otherwise, it would not have been so smooth."

Si Chengtian didn't lie when he said this, nor did he intend to comfort Quan Jiayun's self-esteem.

Because the military and the Jiang family on the East China base are united and belong to an inseparable alliance. If there is no Quan Jiayun to kill Jiang Jianmin, it will naturally not be so easy here.

Quan Jiayun laughed when he heard Si Chengtian's words.

Although she doesn't like other people meddling in her affairs, it's just a matter of the general direction, such as beheading Jiang's family with her own hands.

She is very happy to see someone help her deal with this kind of aftermath.

Si Chengtian guessed correctly, she did intend to occupy this territory later on.

After all, there is still a long period of time from Jindan to Yuanying, and it is absolutely impossible to go as fast as before.

During this time, firstly, she must have a place to live, and secondly, her parents are in Lanyuezong.

If it's just her alone, she doesn't like to recruit anyone, she prefers to be a lone ranger, because having a territory means that she has a lot of weaknesses.

But there are parents.

For the sake of her parents' future plans, she naturally wanted to build the Huadong base into her kingdom, after all, she would not leave Earth before becoming a Nascent Soul.

And at this time in the turmoil, it is of course the best time to conquer the East China base.

He didn't expect that he had thoughtfully prepared it for her and gave it to her as a gift.

Not flowers, not expensive jewelry, not anything out of the ordinary.

But this gift won her heart.

Quan Jiayun looked at him with burning eyes: "I like this gift."

When Si Chengtian's eyes lit up, showing joy, Quan Jiayun stretched out his hand, no matter how many people or how many eyes were staring at the two of them, he tiptoed slightly to reward Si Chengtian's lips. kissed.

A loud sound like a thunder exploded in the ears of all the soldiers, and it shook the hearts of all the soldiers.

Make waves.

Although they already knew from the news that Si Chengtian and Jiang Shanxue were getting mixed up, what they heard was not as shocking as what they saw with their own eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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