The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1639 Follow my rules from now on

Chapter 1639 Follow my rules from now on
This night, Quan Jiayun's prestige in the Fifth Army ended with the shouts of everyone's Commander Jiang, and Quan Jiayun did not say any more inflammatory words to them.

Because she doesn't need to play such tricks.

After dismissing all the army officials, Quan Jiayun turned to look at Si Chengtian, before he could speak, Si Chengtian came to her side in an instant.

Quan Jiayun smiled, raised his arm and said, "Let's go, accompany me to familiarize myself with the military headquarters of the Fifth Army."

Si Chengtian naturally had no objection.

He said: "Okay."

Immediately, the two walked towards the building. Zhou Guanghe and the general-level soldiers looked at this scene and glanced at each other, not sure whether Jiang Shanxue wanted to be followed.

Zhou Guanghe pursed his lips, prepared to be dismissed, followed quickly, and said respectfully behind Jiang Shanxue: "Commander, let me explain to you, General Si may not be too familiar with our side. "

Quan Jiayun hummed noncommittally.

It's not like she's going on a private date now, so naturally it doesn't matter if anyone follows her or not.

Seeing this, several other lieutenant generals and major generals hurriedly followed. When it came to Si Chengtian, Han Shaoqin, who was supposed to follow, did not follow, because General Si had signaled just now.

Han Shaoqin looked at this majestic scene and thought, these people don't know how to be more sensible, hey!I don't even understand the general's heart.

But Si Chengtian was fine, although Si Chengtian wanted to hang out with Quan Jiayun and the other in peace, but they followed Quan Jiayun and didn't say anything, so that was fine, and it took a long time to get along alone.

In this way, under the guidance of Zhou Guanghe, a group of people strolled along the military headquarters.

When Quan Jiayun looked at the military headquarters, not only did he understand the place, but more importantly, he also looked at the geography, because if you want to set up an formation, geography is also very important.

Let's see a spectrum first.

This walk is more than half an hour.

Because the military area is very large, especially the military area in today's society, the training room and various testing rooms alone are a big building.

Quan Jiayun simply browsed these places, and did not stay too much. The two places she stayed the longest were the material warehouse and the armory.

The materials are naturally all kinds of monster materials, medicinal materials and minerals obtained by the military region in the wilderness.

Quan Jiayun originally wanted to see if there was any formation material she needed now.

As a result, as soon as she entered, the inside was so shabby that she couldn't see it. Most of them were materials from first- and second-tier monsters, and they were all from common monsters. of.

As for the medicinal materials such as spirit grass, let alone.

In short, there are very few things in the entire material library.

It's not at the same level as Si Chengtian's material warehouse.

Quan Jiayun turned around, and after roughly looking at all of them, his eyes flew away, and he looked at Zhou Guanghe and the others with a half-smile and said: "Your supplies are really quite rich."

Hearing such ironic words with a smile, several people's faces became hot and a little embarrassed. Zhou Guanghe bit the bullet and explained: "There was Jiang Jianmin at the time, so that's how it was."

Quan Jiayun snorted and laughed.

Naturally, she had searched Jiang Jianmin's house. Jiang Jianmin's family was indeed richer than those in the non-military region, but it could be seen that the military region was clearly pocketed by them.

She looked at them and said indifferently: "I didn't care about the previous ones, but I have to follow my rules in the future. Those who don't follow my rules will be the fate of the Jiang family."

(End of this chapter)

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