Chapter 1640

A sentence that is neither serious nor serious makes several people feel cold all over.

He is obviously a young man who looks much younger than them, but his cultivation base is so high and his aura is so strong, they hardly dare to meet Jiang Shanxue's dark eyes.

Faint, like an abyss.

Almost scarier than Jiang Jianmin.

Several people lowered their eyes and said in awe: "Follow the commander's instruction."

Quan Jiayun didn't say anything more, and walked out of the resource pool and into the armory.

The armory here is the same as Si Chengtian's. It is divided into several categories and stored in warehouses, but the number of each type is not as large as that over there, especially when she saw several cutting-edge weapons on Si Chengtian's side. Weapons, there are almost none here.

Quan Jiayun shook his head slightly. It seems that not only the resources are insufficient here, but also the talents are lacking. It is no wonder that the Fifth Army is the weakest army among the six armies of the Huaxia Kingdom.

Seeing her like this, Si Chengtian gently scratched her palm with his fingers, and after she looked over, he sent a voice transmission to her: "I'll send you the structural drawings of those weapons later. "

"no need."

Quan Jiayun rejected Si Chengtian's kindness.

She likes the process of making it stronger by herself, and it would be boring to ask Si Chengtian to help with everything. It's like standing in a branch company, each with its own business, and don't pass on business secrets because of personal feelings.

Maybe we will still be enemies in the future.

Seeing her refusal, Si Chengtian didn't try to persuade her again and again, he knew that she was always arrogant.

After wandering around the arsenal, the entire military area was almost finished, Quan Jiayun said to Zhou Guanghe and the others: "Okay, let's go, what to do, tomorrow I will be around ten o'clock in the morning come over."


A group of people saluted the military salute and were about to retreat. Among them, a major general named Zuo Yan seized this opportunity and said to Quan Jiayun, "Commander, what about your adjutant?"

Quan Jiayun said: "Let's talk about it tomorrow."


The group quickly retreated.

Quan Jiayun looked at Si Chengtian and said, "Let's go back too, let Han Shaoqin come over."

When Si Chengtian heard the word "we", the corners of his mouth twitched. He pressed the communicator and was about to call Han Shaoqin to drive over, when Quan Jiayun noticed a drizzle falling outside.

Quan Jiayun stretched out his palm to catch the drizzle, and suddenly remembered the scene in the rain last time.

Seems to be the same night.

She was extremely tired and asked him to carry it.

Quan Jiayun's heart moved, and he interrupted Si Chengtian's call: "Don't call him here, you carry me on your back."

Si Chengtian raised his eyes to meet her smiling eyes, looked at the colorful drizzle, and instantly remembered what happened that night, when she leaned there and said that General Si carried me on his back. good.

Also said she was tired.

That was the first time he saw her so tired, which completely softened his hard heart.

Afterwards, he carried her on his back and walked in the rain. The feeling of the wind and rain the next day, and the feeling that there were only the two of them in the world, has always been in the depths of his memory, and he recollects it from time to time.

In the past, he thought that such a thing would never happen again,

Now, the scene that I thought about a hundred times happened again.

Si Chengtian's mood turned into the most gentle mood just like that moment, he smiled at her like she was smiling brightly, then squatted down in front of her, showing her his generous back.

Quan Jiayun looked at the generous back, and without hesitation rushed forward and hugged Si Chengtian's neck.

(End of this chapter)

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