The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1643 Two People Blow

Chapter 1643 Two people blow

Quan Jiayun entered the small world.

Because she woke up in the morning and thought about what she was going to do next, thinking about the position of adjutant, she remembered that her little apprentice Tang Haoyue was still practicing in the small world, plus a small oil bottle brought back from Jiang's house.

And because she was busy with her parents' affairs a few days ago, she settled down and took her parents to stroll around the small world for a while, but she didn't remember this incident for a while.

Thinking of this now, Quan Jiayun immediately entered the small world.

As soon as he entered the small world, he immediately saw that Tang Haoyue and that man called Quan Xuesong and Lu Wanwan had already met.

Fortunately, Tang Haoyue met Quan Xuesong, and she knew that Quan Xuesong was the person her master was looking for, so after explaining first, the two sides did not cause any misunderstanding, but had a friendly conversation...

Especially seeing Tang Haoyue and Lu Wanwan together, Tang Haoyue excitedly saying something to Lu Wanwan, Quan Jiayun took the lead, slightly surprised.

Because she knew Tang Haoyue's temperament, Tang Haoyue was not a lively and talkative person.

So she looks a little abnormal now.

what to say.

Quan Jiayun pursed his lips in interest, concealed his body and breath, and instantly descended to their left and right with his thoughts.

I heard Lu Wanwan beaming and saying to Tang Haoyue there: "I didn't see that scene with my own eyes, but I heard about it, and it's very impressive, because no one in the Jiang family escaped except for the female relatives and the youngest son. "

Lu Wanwan said while shaking her head and said: "The current Jiang family has been completely expelled from the entire Huaxia, and there will be no chance of rising in the future, because the main meridians of these released children are all If you are broken, you will not be able to refine your body or Qi in the future, and you will only be an ordinary person for the rest of your life."

Speaking of which, Lu Wanwan thought of something, looked at Tang Haoyue and said: "Outsiders say that Senior Sister is cruel, even innocent children, Yueyue, you don't think Senior Sister Yun is cruel, do you?"

Tang Haoyue sneered coldly at Shang Lu Wanwan's worried gaze.

What gave Lu Wanwan the illusion that she was a kind little white flower.

She will not have any compassion for the Jiang family.

Tang Haoyue's eyebrows darkened, and she said coldly: "Of course not, and they are not innocent at all. It is also the fault of Jiang's parents that they ended up like this."

"Since they have enjoyed the superior life that the Jiang family gave them before, they should bear this kind of result. They are innocent, but they just cut off their practice path instead of killing them. This is already enough for the master to treat them well. They should three I kneel down and kowtow nine times in thanks.”

Seeing Tang Haoyue's ferocious aura, Lu Wanwan opened her round eyes and pursed her lips involuntarily.

She saw the other party greeted each other before, and came over to ask questions enthusiastically, thinking that the other party was... Well, only now did she realize that she really deserves to be the apprentice of Senior Sister Yun.

Lu Wanwan swallowed a mouthful of saliva and echoed, "Yes, they deserve it."

She also has no sympathy for Jiang's family. She knows how badly Master and Brother Xuesong were abused in the arena before. If Senior Sister Yun didn't go to save people at that time, she might not know what happened.

So the Jiang family deserved whatever fate they got.

After Lu Wanwan spurned them, she blinked and said to Tang Haoyue, "That's right, that's right, let me tell you, it's more than that."

(End of this chapter)

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