The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1644 Found 1 thing

Chapter 1644 Found something
"Afterwards, Sister Yun followed for thousands of miles and killed Brother Jindan, the original master of Lanyuezong, and then took the soul of this Jindan monk, and made a big impact on Lanyuezong. I can see all of this Alright, I can tell you a thing or two in detail."

Tang Haoyue's eyes lit up suddenly, she stared straight at Lu Wanwan's face, and urged, "Speak quickly."

It looked so impatient.

It's like a girl in Huaichun who doesn't want to miss any news from her lover.

Lu Wanwan looked at the other party's expression that changed instantly, and thought that Tang Haoyue really admired Senior Sister Yun, but it was too difficult for someone like Senior Sister not to worship her.

Really handsome and charming.

Thinking about the picture, Lu Wanwan started talking with a small mouth. Under the halo of her adoration of filters, she almost blown up the scenes and pictures that were [-] points into [-] points.

But even so, Tang Haoyue, who always looked cool and steady, opened her eyes and listened with gusto.

Quan Jiayun could not help but smile when he heard Lu Wanwan playing there.

As if they were talking about something.

Quan Jiayun immediately released her concealment and appeared, Lu Wanwan saw Quan Jiayun who suddenly appeared, her mouth was opened but not closed, she immediately turned her voice and shouted in surprise: "Senior Sister Yun, you are here."

When Tang Haoyue saw her master, she was also overjoyed, but she didn't express Lu Wanwan's blatant expression, on the contrary, she was a little more restrained than the expression just now.

Quan Jiayun looked at Lu Wanwan and said calmly, "Why aren't you practicing hard?"

Although Lu Wanwan admired Quan Jiayun, when Quan Jiayun didn't smile, she was still a little scared, and quickly explained: "I was practicing, but Sister Haoyue brought someone back from the outside just now, so she came out for the meeting. By the way, let's chat for a while, I'm going to practice now, goodbye, senior sister."

After Lu Wanwan finished speaking, she ran away immediately.

Quan Jiayun looked at Lu Wanwan's ponytail flicking back, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

In fact, she was just saying something casually just now, and she didn't mean to blame her.

Cultivation itself requires a combination of work and rest, and frequent practice.

It is not entirely a good thing to just know that burying your head in hard work is not a good thing. She has seen such monks in Canglan Star. They have been retreating and hard work for hundreds of years, and they have indeed cultivated beyond the realm.

But in actual combat, they can't beat people of the same level who have been slaughtered outside for many years, and they may not even be able to deal with those of a lower level.

It can be said to be complete waste.

So it’s not enough to practice penance alone.

Quan Jiayun withdrew his gaze from Lu Wanwan, turned to look at Quan Xuesong who was walking over, and said a few words to him, and solved Quan Xuesong's doubts about swordsmanship by the way.

Yes, Quan Jiaji also gave Quan Xuesong a local level of swordsmanship, and at the same time, she wanted to guide him to realize the sword intent. She saw that he had good attainments in swordsmanship, so she naturally wanted to develop him in this direction.

After Quan Xuesong learned of the doubts about this level, he immediately bid farewell to Quan Jiayun.

"Sister, I'm going first."

Quan Jiayun said lightly: "Go."

Quan Xuesong went there impatiently, showing his extreme enthusiasm in this regard.

Only Quan Jiayun, Tang Haoyue and Cao Leye were left in the square.

Only then did Tang Haoyue say to Quan Jiayun: "Master, I was hunting animals in the sea to the east, and suddenly found something on the bottom of the sea that was shining like a heartbeat, so I dived down, and then I I found this inlaid thing in the stone cracks on the side."

(End of this chapter)

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