The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1654 Blood sacrifice formation

Chapter 1654 Blood sacrifice formation

"what's going on?"

"Did the node of the alien crack step on this city?"

Amidst the panicked and puzzled voices of countless people, immediately there were monks rushing towards the upper light curtain.

The first one was a foundation-building cultivator, and as soon as his hand touched it, it touched this red-black light curtain. On the light curtain, countless blood lines immediately drilled into his palm.

The cultivator who established the foundation was startled, cut off these silk threads and retreated immediately, and at the same time used his spiritual power to force them out.

But even though he was forced out, the Foundation Establishment cultivator was still a little surprised, because he found that, just a little, his nerves were paralyzed by something, and a bloodthirsty impulse rose in his mind.

At the same time, his vitality was obviously a little less.

In other words, these blood lines have the effect of absorbing vitality and creating illusion.

The cultivator who established the foundation stared at the heavy light curtain ugly, and dared not break into it for a moment, grabbed the accomplice who wanted to go, and said: "Don't touch it, this blood curtain is weird, it can move people's mind."

The same thing happens to people who want to go out on the edge of the city.

It was a warrior. After his whole body was invaded by blood lines, bloody lines appeared all over his face and body. He howled in pain, twisted his face, and suddenly turned around to attack the people around him, with a look of panic The look of madness.

In just less than a minute, most of the people in the whole city attacked each other, all with red eyes and mad looks.

As if after the end of the world, all kinds of crazy zombies are gnawing at each other's flesh and tearing each other to shreds.

The high-level warrior monk who was still awake said in surprise: "Didn't you say that only when you touch the blood line will you go crazy? What's going on with them! Almost ordinary people and first-level warriors have gone crazy."

"Fog, it's fog, this fog is also problematic, it seems to be mixed with the breath of nightmare."

"What the hell is going on here? Who is so vicious to attack people in such a city? It's too insane, it's not human at all."

"This is a bit like the method of the magic cultivator."

"Didn't it mean that there are no demonic cultivators on Earth? If it is a demonic cultivator, then how strong is this demonic cultivator."

"Can't you see it? This is clearly setting up a huge formation."

"Master, what do you think? Master?"

The person called Master is a Golden Core cultivator, and the only Golden Core cultivator in this city.

He finally recovered from the astonishment and shock.

He looked at the blood-red light curtain in the sky with a bluish-white complexion, heaved a long sigh, and said, "If I'm not mistaken, this should be the blood sacrifice array!"

"What blood sacrifice array?"

"A kind of evil big formation, which sacrifices human flesh and souls within the range of the big formation. There is a rumor that it is used to open a passage in the deep underworld to summon the ghost king and ghost emperor. One is that the demon cultivator uses this method to cultivate. "

As he spoke, his eyes flickered again.

According to the rumors, this array is said to be difficult to arrange, even in the magic cultivator, not everyone can deploy it, especially an array covering such a big city.

The people next to him felt cold when they heard this, and someone blurted out: "Using the lives of so many people to cultivate! This is too cruel."

"It's because the methods used by demonic cultivators to cultivate are too cruel and bloody, so the cultivation world has never allowed demonic cultivators to exist. They always saw one and killed the other. Hundreds of years ago, all demonic cultivators were cleared away. I don't know if this happened again. Where did one come out, well, no matter what, you follow me, follow me, I will take you out."

"Master, what about these people? Don't save them? This is a population of hundreds of thousands."

 The madman is out, good night.

(End of this chapter)

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