The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1655 Tens of thousands of people

Chapter 1655 What is the population of 10?
Hundreds of thousands of people.

This is a very deafening remark.

Yes, a population of hundreds of thousands.

All real people.

It is not a leek that is regenerated after being cut.

The Golden Core cultivator looked around. With his spiritual sense, the fog in front of him couldn't block too much. At least he could still see a quarter of the city. In this corner, people were almost all fighting each other.

Countless ordinary people were easily torn to pieces by warriors, and the first-tier warriors who tore apart ordinary people were torn to pieces by second-tier warriors.

In the mournful wailing, the blood produced by the slaughter did not melt into the ground, but flew into the sky, and flew into the blood-red light curtain, making the light curtain more solid and bright red.

The whole scene was like hell on earth.

Such a picture made the Jindan cultivator's face show a look of pity.

But this compassion is only momentary.

In the next moment, he put away his expression, retracted his gaze, and said coldly and resolutely: "It can't be saved, in this blood sacrifice formation that has been successfully opened, the opponent is not said to be invincible, that is..."

He couldn't handle it.

After all, the person who can open such a large formation is not a simple person. Therefore, no matter whether he can deal with it or not, he does not want to confront the person behind the scenes at all, nor does he want to be the savior.

Of course, the Golden Core cultivator didn't say this.

He just paused and said: "In short, follow me."

The Jindan monks were chanting and casting spells, and the house they entered suddenly collapsed, and they were covered by the mud pit when they fell to the ground.

The Golden Core cultivator didn't stop, he rushed forward all the way, and as he walked, the soil under the ground wriggled by itself, giving him a passage, as if he controlled it.

Of course, this channel appears quickly and disappears quickly.

Only a few meters away.

Therefore, the people behind must keep up, and if they fail to keep up, they will be deeply squeezed in the mud.

When this golden core monk led people to escape from the ground.

Other third-tier warriors and second-tier peak warriors who still maintained their sanity quickly gathered together during their escape, forming several teams, heading straight for their nearest exits from the city.

In the air, Gu Yehui was admiring the various forms of beings under the crisis, his face was slightly distorted with excitement, he stretched out his arms exaggeratedly to embrace the whole world, made an intoxicated dancing and gliding posture, twirling in circles, Like an opera singer, she said in a gorgeous hanging voice: "Ah, it's so wonderful. This continuous wailing sound is simply the most beautiful music playing sound in the world."

At this time, the warrior below who was staring at the bloody light curtain and thinking about countermeasures finally noticed Gu Yehui who appeared in the air.

"There's someone up there."

Everyone looked up through the mist, and couldn't see the others clearly, but the bloody light curtain covering their sky was very clear in their eyes.

Suddenly, an enlarged version of a slender silhouette appeared on it, and that silhouette was turning and dancing.

It dances very well and beautifully.

But under this kind of situation, no one would appreciate this scene, they would only feel shuddering. They slowly moved their eyes from the blood-colored light curtain, trying to find the real body of this person, but they were limited by the blinding fog Miasma, it is all foggy.

Obviously, if you want to see clearly, you can only jump into the sky.

But no one wants to take the risk first, after all, the situation this time is too weird.

(End of this chapter)

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