The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1660 Quan Jiayun's Estimation

Chapter 1660 Quan Jiayun's Estimation
This is?

Quan Jiayun didn't read the comments below. With a swipe of his finger, he looked at the photos and videos posted by other people. After viewing the pictures and videos from different angles, Quan Jiayun was able to confirm that this was indeed the notorious blood sacrifice formation.

Using blood as a sacrifice to refine the souls of thousands of people to cultivate one's own body is an extremely cruel magic circle.

The people who generally use it are magic cultivators.

Because only demon cultivators need these dead qi, turbid qi, and evil qi, which together are commonly known as devil qi.

magic repair.

Thinking of the word Moxiu, Quan Jiayun immediately thought of Gu Yehui.

After she returned to Earth, she had seen two demon cultivators in total, one was Gu Yehui, and the other was the soul of the demon cultivator captured by her.

The one she caught was naturally ruled out. There was no possibility of committing a crime in her small world. The biggest possibility left was Gu Yehui. Of course, others were not ruled out.

Quan Jiayun stared at the bloody light curtain photographed from above, his mind spinning quickly.

This city is a county seat on the edge of the city wall in Qubei City. The total area is not small. To set up such a large blood sacrifice formation, it is obvious that the other side has not been short of time to prepare, and it is a premeditated act.

You must know that the blood sacrifice formation is more difficult than the ordinary guardian formation.

Another point, judging from the opponent's daring to set up such a large blood sacrifice formation, the opponent is at least at the magic pill stage or has other reliance.

Because the magic cultivator with a low cultivation base can't bear to absorb so much magic energy at once.

If you don't know that although there is no catastrophe for a demon cultivator, the demon energy itself is something that destroys people's minds, and it is easy to become a monster.

Although the magic repair itself is almost like a monster.

In short, considering the current situation, Quan Jiayun is inclined to the second situation, that is, what kind of support does that person have to dare to absorb like this, but after absorbing this time, he will be promoted to the middle stage of the magic pill.

Quan Jiayun's gaze turned to look at the sky where Si Chengtian left.

A magic cultivator in the magic pill stage can't hurt Si Chengtian normally, especially since Si Chengtian has undergone a mutation. However, it's easy to hide with open spears, but hard to guard against hidden arrows. The magic cultivator must have more eyes to play tricks .

Quan Jiayun tapped the swing board a few times with his fingertips.

At this moment, two voices were speaking in her head.

One said: "Left and right are just for fun, don't worry about it, if Si Chengtian can't even deal with a demon cultivator, there is no need to waste your mind on him."

One said: Before losing interest in him, he is my man, and my man will not tolerate any bullying. Moxiu already has many weird methods, and what if Si Chengtian gets caught.

The other said... Hearing the noisy voice in the sea of ​​consciousness, Quan Jiayun closed his eyes, and the two voices in the sea of ​​consciousness disappeared at the same time.

When he opened his eyes again, Quan Jiayun looked calm and had already made a decision.

Her figure flashed, entered the room, flashed again, and disappeared directly into the room.

Quan Jiayun naturally entered the small world.

But she didn't go to Quan Xuesong and her little apprentice, Quan Jiayun went to the small world where Lu Yingheng was imprisoned, which was where the demon cultivator was.

Lu Yingheng, who had been trapped in the formation that weakened the soul for a long time, without any food and without any magic energy, was close to the state of a mummy again in just half a year.

Apart from his poor body, his entire soul was extremely weak.

(End of this chapter)

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