The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1661 You Can't Be

Chapter 1661 You Can't Be

Therefore, when Quan Jiayun appeared, Lu Yingheng could no longer put on the aloof appearance of his former self. He was like a person who had been thirsty for a long time, and finally saw the light of hope.

He was afraid that the other party would disappear if he took a step too late, so he left.

After all, apart from the first few whippings, after superimposing the formation, the other party hadn't seen him once in a few months.

Just throw him in this place and ignore him.

Let him fend for himself.

He was the one who sneered at first. He was suppressed in the big formation back then, and he still survived for hundreds of years, as long as he put his soul into a deep sleep for a while, it would be fine.

Nothing amazing.

Later he realized it was impossible, he couldn't sleep deeply, and the array she superimposed was disturbing his spirit all the time, even with the protection of his baby, it couldn't block this interference.

After being simmered by the formation until now, he is now on the brink of extinction.

How could Lu Yingheng not be in a hurry.

He almost stumbled to the edge of the formation, looked up at Quan Jiayun and begged: "Master, master, just accept the little one, and the little one will go through fire and water for you."

Quan Jiayun looked at his low-down appearance, and the corner of his mouth curled up.

Lu Yingheng wanted to continue talking, but seeing the aura spreading from her body, his eyes suddenly blinked in horror, and the words he said suddenly changed, "You have advanced to become a Golden Core cultivator."

He remembered that this woman was only in the early and middle stages of foundation establishment.

Quan Jiayun smiled slightly.


When Lu Yingheng got this answer, his heart was already turned upside down.

He looked at the whore as if he were a monster.

In half a year, she will reach the golden core stage, which is a shocking speed. You must know that some people with low talents are stuck in the foundation building for a lifetime and cannot advance to the alchemy stage.

And she, it only took half a year! !
This is definitely an unprecedented level of his cognition.

This kind of people……

Looking at this face, Lu Yingheng had to admit that this was a character, a character that even he could not match, even if he really followed such a character, he would not be ashamed at all.

Lu Yingheng suppressed the surprise in his heart instantly, smiled flatteringly and said, "Congratulations master, congratulations master."

Quan Jiayun snorted and laughed.

After this person has received the lesson of the past six months, he will be able to bend and stretch. He actually knows that the one who cuts first and then plays is directly called the master. If some people, probably because of these beautiful words, they will let the other party go.

Unfortunately, it was her who met.

Quan Jiayun did not waver so easily.

She looked down at Lu Yingheng and said, "It's useless to call me master."

Lu Yingheng stared at Shangquan Jiayun, his heart turned cold, and he continued to plead: "Master, master, I can do many things for you, I can really do many things for you, you believe me, and if you don't Believe in the art of curse killing, with your current ability, you can plant a master-servant contract for me."

Quan Jiayun stared at him, and said with an evil smile: "There is no evil corpse in the master-servant contract. This body is best used to refine the evil corpse. You should understand."

When Lu Yingheng heard this, he was really chilled to the bone.

The other party couldn't even see this.

He stared at her in disbelief and said, "It's impossible for you as a spiritual practitioner to make the method of killing corpses, it's impossible."

In the last sentence, Lu Yingheng used his loudest voice, sharp and crazy.

Quan Jiayun sneered.

"Impossible, you will know when you die."

(End of this chapter)

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