Chapter 1662
Quan Jiayun moved her right hand as she said, and a strong and powerful Thunderbolt Technique gradually formed in her hands. After entering the Golden Core, the Thunderbolt Technique she used in the Foundation Establishment Stage was no longer the same as it was in the Foundation Establishment Stage, and it exploded several times.

At that time, she at the early stage of foundation establishment couldn't kill him.

It's different now.

This long and the other disappears.

When he was weakened and she grew up, she had no trouble killing him.

Lu Yingheng looked at the thick Lei Dian, and his handsome face instantly turned pale.

In his current state.

He absolutely can't hide.

The soul will definitely be wiped out.

Lu Yingheng screamed: "No, don't...I'll tell you I..."

At this critical juncture, Lu Yingheng wanted to tell his secret in exchange for his life, but Quan Jiayun didn't give the other party this chance, Quan Jiayun waved down coldly.

Boom, lightning like a python hit Lu Yingheng's head.


There was a miserable scream.

Lu Yingheng's weak soul was instantly smashed into ashes under the strong thunder and lightning, that is to say, his soul was scattered, and he lost even the chance of reincarnation.

A generation of demons who once dominated the situation and caused headaches for all the cultivators died in such a humiliating and humiliating place.

And his body was fine, it was only burnt to a layer of scorched black, and it was not destroyed.

And this is why Quan Jiayun said that this body is suitable for being a corpse. It has been buried underground for a hundred years and absorbed countless blood energy. This corpse has long been tempered into a powerful skin and bone.

Obviously the other party's initial plan was to seize other people, and then refine this corpse into a ghost corpse for use.

But unfortunately, just met her.

During the demise of Lu Yingheng's soul body, a blood lotus the size of a child's palm emerged from Lu Yingheng's head and floated into the air, looking at this red blood lotus.

Quan Jiayun's eyes lit up.

She had guessed earlier that the other party's soul was different, there must be some treasure protecting the soul, so she never invaded the other party's sea of ​​consciousness, and never had the intention to accept the other party as a servant.

After all, it is too troublesome for such a cunning demon to guard against the opponent's betrayal at any time.

It's not because she's afraid she won't be able to suppress it, but she believes in the ones she made more than those with souls.

As it turns out, her intuition was right.

The opponent really has confidence.

However, she doesn't know what the purpose of this blood lotus is.

With a move by Quan Jiayun's hand, this incomplete and imperfect blood lotus slowly fell into Quan Jiayun's palm, and Quan Jiayun stared at the imperfect petals of the blood lotus for a while.

Presumably, this lotus is a growth item.

If the lotus flower is full of petals, something is bound to happen.

However, Quan Jiayun didn't suck it into her sea of ​​consciousness. Although the blood lotus looked quite extraordinary, the things used by the demon cultivator would not be suitable for her.

Since it is not suitable.

Of course she won't use it, she's not so greedy.

Quan Jiayun put the blood lotus into a box and carefully put it away, then looked at the corpse in the formation. From the very beginning, she wanted to refine the other party into a corpse, and now it is finally possible.

Quan Jiayun immediately began to draw a formation and refine it.

a few hours later.

Quan Jiayun sent the evil spirit of the mindless soul body she had formed before to the evil corpse's eyebrows bit by bit.

Lu Yingheng opened his eyes again, but these were not black eyeballs, but gray and white, and the face was covered with evil runes.

Quan Jiayun stared at her finished product and smiled with satisfaction.

She said, "I'll call you Little Hui from now on."

(End of this chapter)

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