The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1663 Didn't catch up, right?

Chapter 1663 Didn't catch up, right?

In fact, it is meaningless for Quan Jiayun to name the evil corpse.

Because the ghosts don't understand this at all.

Its body is a kind of extremely strong flesh produced by a strong man under a special environment without decay.

Its driving force is a cloud of evil spirit formed after countless souls have wiped out their minds.

Therefore, it does not have its own will, it is like a kind of marionette, it will only follow the instructions of the refining master.

However, this is a very convenient and useful tool.

Because this kind of creature, the ghost, does not know pain, tirelessness, or shrinking. As long as the owner does not change the order, it will not attack until it cannot move and completely dies. It is a very difficult creature.

Generally speaking, like the tombs of some important people, if you don't want others to worry about your safety, you will put some evil corpses in it.

At the same time, the evil corpse has another purpose, it can be used as the owner's eyes, that is, wherever it goes, Quan Jiayun can see everything outside through his eyes, of course, this will consume some of Quan Jiayun's mind. knowledge.

If Quan Jiayun has advanced to the stage of transforming gods, he will be able to distract himself even more.

Of course, the latter step is still a bit far for Quan Jiayun.

"Let's go."

Quan Jiayun touched Xiao Hui's head and led him out of the small world.

Paste the God Walking Talisman and the Invisibility Breath Containing Talisman on Xiao Hui, and follow the instructions together. At that moment, Xiao Hui's body disappeared under the night, and headed towards the southwest base.

Quan Jiayun looked away and glanced at the time, it was already two o'clock in the middle of the night.

She did not continue to practice in the small world, but fell down on a soft bed, because refining this evil corpse consumed a lot of her consciousness, and she needed to rest.

Four hours later, when Quan Jiayun opened his eyes again, it was Si Chengtian who sent a video call.

Quan Jiayun looked at the communication, and the corner of his mouth ticked up.

Is this a sign of peace?

Quan Jiayun propped up his body, leaned lazily on the head of the bed, and took Si Chengtian's communication.

Immediately, Si Chengtian's handsome face came into view, along with the mess that could be vaguely glimpsed behind him. Obviously, Si Chengtian is now in the victimized town.

Quan Jiayun looked at Si Chengtian, smiled and said, "I guess you missed it, right?"

Quan Jiayun knew very well that it was impossible for Si Chengtian to stop the other party's blood sacrifice if he rushed back overnight, because according to the time, when Si Chengtian rushed back, it was basically over there.

When Si Chengtian goes back, he can only deal with the aftermath and stabilize the people's hearts.

Si Chengtian met Shang Quan Jiayun's eyes, seeing her full of charm, his eyes narrowed, avoiding her neckline, and said in a low voice: "Well, I didn't catch up."

When he arrived, the bloody light curtain had just dissipated for a while.

Only the dead and bloody city remained.

He immediately blocked the southwest base, but so far he has not received any information about the culprit.

Quan Jiayun looked at Si Chengtian's dignified expression, leaned lazily on the head of the bed and said, "Why is this expression, even if you don't catch it, it won't be like this."

Si Chengtian looked at Quan Jiayun's expression, pursed his lips slightly, and said in a calm voice, "I found this."

As Si Chengtian spoke, the camera turned, and Quan Jiayun's body appeared in Quan Jiayun's field of vision. However, compared to the corpses with stumps and severed hands next to him, Quan Zhengfeng's body was still intact.

Quan Jiayun frowned slightly as he looked at Quan Zhengfeng's body.

She never thought that Quan Zhengfeng was also among this group of victims.

(End of this chapter)

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