Chapter 1673
This sudden scene shocked Gu Yehui, who was usually quite confident, to suddenly change his face.

Because he had never suffered such a big loss from being plotted against by others, he quickly blocked the broken part of his arm with devil energy, and looked at the humanoid monster that suddenly appeared and ruined his hand with an ugly expression.

Sha corpse! ! !

It turned out to be a corpse.

It was still a Tier [-] corpse.

Before Gu Yehui could think about anything, the evil corpse tore his arm into pieces, and fiercely attacked Gu Yehui again. On this side, Si Chengtian held the knife, blocked the way here, and chopped off Hao Ran made a knife with a saber intent.

Facing a double attack from both sides.

Gu Yehui's face was ugly, and the devilish energy wrapped him around him, and then suddenly split into three Gu Yehui.

These three Gu Yehui each have their own actions.

One of them avoided Si Chengtian's attack and went up to the corpse, one of them threw a cannonball at the wall, and one of them fled towards the distant door.

Obviously, Gu Yehui wanted to confuse Si Chengtian's judgment.

When masters fight against each other, as long as there is a second difference, he will have a life.

Facing these three phantoms, Si Chengtian was indeed unable to confirm which one was the real one at first glance, but this was not important, just kill them all.

Si Chengtian's saber technique changed, facing the air wave after the explosion, he slashed the one who threw the shell together.

Boom, this Gu Yehui exploded into a cloud of black mist.

Apparently this one is a phantom.

Si Chengtian turned around, turned around and slashed at the one who fled to the door, boom, this one was cut into a cloud of black mist again, obviously, this kind of phantom body is not as good as the real body in terms of reaction.

The only one left is the one facing the evil corpse.

Gu Yehui also didn't feel good when he was confronted with the evil corpse, because the evil corpse is a kind of creature that never moves forward and knows nothing to be afraid of, so it is extremely difficult to deal with.

He was trying to control this corpse, but it had been refined perfectly. Obviously, the owner of this corpse was not dead, and this corpse was controlled by others without distinction.

Under such circumstances, Gu Yehui did not expect a shell to go down, and did not blow up a gap at all.

Gu Yehui was not in the mood to face off against Si Chengtian head-on at this time. He once again differentiated into three phantom bodies amidst the huge demonic energy, and divided them into different directions to face the most fragile ceiling in the room at the same time. go away.

However this goes.

As soon as he touched the ceiling, the entire ceiling was lit up with blue lightning, and two of the figures were instantly exploded, while Gu Yehui himself was shivered and retreated straight away.

Gu Yehui's eyes changed again.

The entire ceiling is actually a talisman formation using thunder talismans to deal with demon cultivators. This kind of talisman formation is terrible not to deal with the body, but the soul. If he really can't escape the body, it will be difficult to escape with the soul.

In other words, it completely blocked any way for him to escape.

Obviously, this was Quan Jiayun's idea.

Gu Yehui didn't have time to think about it, and he didn't have time to be excited about his baby's cruelty.

Because the attacks of Si Chengtian and Shashi didn't stop at all, he had to split into three clones again, and in this way gave himself time to roam.

But obviously going on like this is not the way to go.

Because he found that the demonic energy he exploded was swallowed by the evil corpse at some point, and he couldn't take it back even if he wanted to, and if the differentiated demonic energy could not be recovered, his magic power would always be weakened.

At that time, even the avatar technique can no longer be used.


As expected of his baby, so ruthless.

Just wanted to kill him!
Gu Yehui pulled up the corner of his mouth evilly, and his eyes turned dark green.

(End of this chapter)

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