Chapter 1674

At the moment when his eyes changed color, Gu Yehui's whole body was full of demonic energy, and a black sword with evil spirit appeared in his hand. Gu Yehui twitched his magic power and chopped the sword.

In an instant, at the tip of the sword, a huge black flame roared and boiled, and went straight to Si Chengtian like a python.

Unlike other flames that instantly suck away the water molecules in the air as soon as they appeared, the appearance of this black flame did not arouse any high temperature, but instead gave off a chilly air.

But if you think that this is not lethal, it is a big mistake.

This is demonic flame, with great Yin Qi and corrosive power, if the body is not strong enough, such as Tier [-] and Tier [-] warriors, I am afraid that they will be turned into a puddle of blood soon.

Si Chengtian's eyes remained unchanged, and he still didn't accept the move.

The sword light he cut directly split the huge black flame, and went straight to Gu Yehui, so fast that there was no place for people to dodge.

Gu Yehui didn't panic, and avoided the center of the edge, and his whole body was protected by an extra layer of magic light shield.

It was a defensive magic weapon made of countless skulls. As soon as more black air gathered outside to block Gu Yehui's front, it seemed to gather the ghosts of countless people, with a howling sound.

This kind of sound can't be heard by ordinary people's naked ears, but the sound waves can directly pierce people's soul. If someone who is unsteady listens to it, it is estimated that there will be a feeling of insanity on the spot.

At the same time that the magic weapon of protection appeared, Gu Yehui flicked his finger, and a dark red bloody light went straight to Si Chengtian under the cover of the demonic energy all over the sky.

Boom, at this moment, Si Chengtian slashed at Gu Yehui's defensive magic weapon with his sword intent.

Immediately, the whining angry howl turned into a miserable scream.

It seems to have been seriously injured.

The entire skull began to tremble, as if it was about to shatter.

All of a sudden, the silent voiceprint got bigger, and it went straight into Si Chengtian's ears.

However, this did not affect Si Chengtian.

Even facing the black flames that were still rolling towards him after being separated, Si Chengtian did not dodge, but faced the black flames and chased them from the flames.

At this moment, in Gu Yehui's eyes.

What I saw was that when the black flames licked Si Chengtian's body, the golden glow on Si Chengtian's body shone brightly, and golden scales appeared on the outside of his body, covering his whole body in an instant, only his body was exposed. Half eyebrows.

This is a one-second transformation scene.


But it's unbelievably gorgeous.

Originally, because of Gu Yehui's demonic energy and the magic weapon's yin energy, the whole room was under a kind of dark light in the evening, with only a faint white light, but after Si Chengtian's transformation, the golden light shone like a bright sun. Take the haze away.

The black flame that was trying to rush to Si Chengtian's body just now to swallow it was instantly annihilated, as if oxidized, and the blood demon thorn stabbed secretly by Gu Yehui hit Si Chengtian's golden scales, It also failed to penetrate, leaving only a faint trace of blood and then disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Gu Yehui's handsome face instantly turned cold.

Although he expected that Si Chengtian might also have mutated, he never expected that it was actually a golden dragon returning to his ancestors.

However, Si Chengtian didn't give Gu Yehui more time to think. After his transformation, his speed doubled again. This time his sword was useless, and he came to Gu Yehui almost instantly. The golden fist hit Gu Yehui heavily.

 I haven't finished it yet, I'll see it tomorrow, good night
(End of this chapter)

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