Chapter 1676 Battle 2
Therefore, Gu Yehui's own crisis has not been resolved after all.

Facing the magic weapon that was shattered again.

Gu Yehui sacrificed a magic weapon again, but didn't dare to block it with his Demon Raising Tower.

After all, the Demon Raising Tower was very important to him, and he didn't want to use it to take the risk.

However, the magic weapon that Gu Yehui sacrificed again was still useless.

In front of the transformed Si Chengtian, if a magic weapon can't be broken with one punch, then give another punch.

If it still can't be broken, then just one more punch. After such a few punches, as long as it is not a magic weapon such as a top-grade treasure, it is enough to completely destroy it into a quadruple scum.

The powerful pure Yuan Gang Qi combined with the flame spells stimulated by spiritual power completely enveloped Gu Yehui...

Facing the non-stop flaming fist shadows, Gu Yehui had no time to breathe, so he could only passively parry.

During this period, Gu Yehui attempted to use his bloodthirsty sword to sneak attack Si Chengtian's whole body, except for half of his eyebrows that were not covered by golden scales.

As long as Si Chengtian was injured by him, it would be like a gap in a river embankment, and it would be much easier to deal with.

However, Si Chengtian's fourth-order physical reaction was extremely strong, and he would never let Gu Yehui have this opportunity.

With a block of his hand and a sweep of the tail behind him, he blocked Gu Yehui's two sneak attacks.

With no way to sneak attack, Gu Yehui could only defend again.

So, he watched helplessly as the defensive magic weapons and puppets he had collected over the years were crushed to pieces one by one by Si Chengtian. After all, his body could not resist Si Chengtian's power.

Gu Yehui's face was extremely gloomy.

Since he became a demon, he has also encountered some crises, but he has never been suppressed and beaten like this. As long as he relaxes for a second, or his treasure reserves are less, he will be blown up now.

Gu Yehui still wanted to continue to fight back.

But Si Chengtian, whose whole body was covered in scale armor, was very well protected.

If you can't hurt it with one blow, it would be a waste of magic energy to use it.

Now, Gu Yehui also knows that he played a big game today.

He is indeed no match for this Si Chengtian.

However, it is impossible to regret regret, the word regret has never been in Gu Yehui's dictionary.

Although a little unwilling, Gu Yehui is not someone who can't afford to lose for the time being. As long as he doesn't die, there is another chance for revenge at any time, so there is no need to be entangled in one thing.

Gu Yehui took the ghost general away, stared at Si Chengtian, licked the blood on his lips, and said with a sneer: "Yes, Si Chengtian, you are very strong, but today you want to kill me, it's just a dream, let's go down!" See you again."

After Gu Yehui finished speaking, he crushed his Blood Escape Demon Treasure.

However, he who was originally teleported out failed to teleport out, and only stopped when he hit the wall made of layers of steel.

Gu Yehui narrowed his eyes.

Space confinement.

There is actually a space confinement array set up outside, that is to say, in this area of ​​the room, any space method cannot be used, and the space is locked, including any teleportation technique.

First there is the Thunder and Lightning Formation to deal with the magic cultivator internally, and then there is the space confinement outside.

It can be said that he was cut off from any retreat.


During Gu Yehui's stagnation, Si Chengtian's fist hit again.

Gu Yehui quickly rolled and fled against the wall, narrowly avoiding Si Chengtian's blow, but he couldn't dodge Si Chengtian's second blow.

(End of this chapter)

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