The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1677 Let me say something to her

Chapter 1677 Let me talk to her

Boom, before this punch hit him, Gu Yehui could use the explosively enlarged Demon Raising Tower to block the front, because now he has used up all other protective magic weapons, only this one.

The Demon Raising Tower was obviously not an ordinary magic weapon, and it couldn't be shattered with one blow.

But this is not for defense purpose. The Demon Raising Tower couldn't stand Si Chengtian's power, so it smashed back with the strong wind left by Si Chengtian. Gu Yehui had to quickly shrink again.

And Si Chengtian violently kicked from the side and had already arrived.

This time, the Demon Raising Tower didn't even have a chance to grow bigger.

Gu Yehui was kicked away by Si Chengtian


Gu Yehui's body with a hole in it slammed heavily on the steel wall, and was splashed with blood, hitting the ground. Si Chengtian's eyes didn't change when he saw this scene, and he wanted to make up for it mercilessly. When hit.

Gu Yehui screamed, "Let me have a word with her."

At this moment, Si Chengtian's fist was already in front of Gu Yehui.

Gu Yehui raised his pale face, looked at Si Chengtian and repeated again: "Let me have a word with her."

Si Chengtian frowned, of course he didn't want to give the other party this chance, such a person would not be a pity to die, he stopped because Quan Jiayun's voice came from the earphone.

Quan Jiayun agreed to the other party's request.

Although Si Chengtian didn't want to, but since Quan Jiayun wanted it, Si Chengtian had no objection.

Si Chengtian retracted his fist and moved his fingers. Immediately, Quan Jiayun's image appeared on the upper right side. Quan Jiayun was sitting gracefully there, obviously not admiring it for a while.

From the very beginning, when Gu Yehui came in, Quan Jiayun and Si Chengtian had communicated well. However, Si Chengtian didn't wear the communicator on his hand, but embedded it in the wall, leaving only the earphones in it. Ears talk to her.

So Quan Jiayun watched the whole process remotely through this camera.

Gu Yehui looked at Quan Jiayun who appeared on the upper right side, that handsome face that was pale due to lack of blood did not show half a trace of hatred and resentment, but smiled again, paired with those peach blossom eyes It's really stunning, with a kind of morbid beauty.

He stared at the beautiful girl on the screen, twitched the corners of his mouth, and asked with a difficult smile: "When did you know that I am a demon cultivator?"

There is a big difference between the two.

Quan Jiayun propped his head with half a finger, looked lazily at Gu Yehui and said, "I'll know it the first time I see you."

Gu Yehui sighed: "It really was that time."

He always thought that the other party didn't know his identity, that she was in the light and he was in the dark, but he didn't know that it was he who was in the light and she was in the dark at the beginning.

As expected, she was the woman he had set his eyes on to be worthy of him.

This scheming is deep.

Even he didn't notice it.

Gu Yehui stared at Quan Jiayun with burning eyes and said: "But I'm curious, is it the first time I saw me, or the first time I saw Death."

There is a big difference between the two.

Quan Jiayun shrugged slightly.

"Although the first time I saw you, I felt that you were a little strange, but I didn't think of your magic cultivator, but who made you dance with me, and turned into a god of death to come to me again."

Gu Yehui smiled lowly when he heard the words, looked at Quan Jiayun and said, "It seems that I took Ye Lingfeng's order back then, and it was a bit of a loss."

From that step, he started losing.

Because the arc of vibration from the laugh was too large, Gu Yehui spewed out a big mouthful of blood again.

Quan Jiayun looked at this scene without any pity in her heart. She yawned lazily and said, "You want to talk to me, is that all? If it's all this boring..."

(End of this chapter)

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