The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1679 Is it really dead?

Chapter 1679 Is it really dead?

Accompanied by the lingering sound left by Gu Yehui, the powerful energy brought by the self-explosion of a magic pill finally blasted a huge gap in the specially-made training room.

Of course, Gu Yehui's body was also smashed to pieces.

Gu Yehui's body turned into blood mist and splashed on the ground one after another, not even a single bone existed.

Because Si Chengtian has a fourth-order body and the best protective skin of golden dragon scales, he didn't suffer much damage during Gu Yehui's self-destruct, but was only pushed back a few steps.

After the energy generated by the self-explosion is dispersed.

Si Chengtian put down his hands and looked at the blood mist splashed on the ground, he didn't feel relaxed after the big victory.

He watched the spreading black air vigilantly, and used his spiritual eyes and consciousness to search for the fluctuation of the soul.

Si Chengtian now also knows that it's not the end of the body that means it's over.

Monks still have spirits.

Spirituality is extremely important to monks.

If it is not certain that the soul is also annihilated, it is very likely that it will make a comeback.

Especially for this kind of weird and unpredictable demon cultivator, although Gu Yehui blew himself up, it is reasonable to say that the end will be the end of his mind and soul, but in case he has any other tricks.

No one can say for sure.

So Si Chengtian didn't relax.

Si Chengtian let go of his consciousness, searched carefully, and confirmed that he didn't find the fluctuation of the soul, nor did he find any large wreckage, and then he looked at the big screen.

However, from this look, he did not see Quan Jiayun.

Because in the self-explosion just now, the room was seriously damaged.

Si Chengtian canceled his transformation, moved his body, and immediately went outside.

At this time, a group of soldiers, including Han Shaoqin, looked anxiously at the side of the training room.

They naturally heard the massive explosion just now.

And also saw the black mushroom cloud that suddenly exploded into the sky.

But because of Si Chengtian's order, no matter what they heard, they were not allowed to come, and they just kept guard outside, so even if they were worried that something had happened, they didn't dare to act rashly.

Now when they saw Si Chengtian's figure appeared and he was fine, everyone felt relieved.

So they said, no matter what happened, as long as Si Chengtian was fine, there would be no problem.

As soon as Si Chengtian appeared, he stretched out his hand to Han Shaoqin and said, "The communicator."

Han Shaoqin immediately gave the spare communicator to Si Chengtian.

After Si Chengtian got it, he immediately contacted Quan Jiayun. At the same time, he moved and returned to the scene of the incident just now.

The communication was connected immediately.

Si Chengtian looked at Quan Jiayun, turned the communicator in one direction, pointed at the messy scene and said, "I've already seen it once, and I didn't find the fluctuation of the soul, but I'm not proficient in this area. have a look."

Quan Jiayun looked at the blood mist splashed all over the ground and the black air that had not yet dissipated. Although he was not at the scene, he could still tell at a glance that there was no wave of spirit and soul, and it was no different from the scenes of other monks who blew themselves up. .

The last time she was able to collect the remnant soul of that hall master of the Lanyue Sect when he blew himself up, it was only when the other party had not completely exploded that he collected it.

If it explodes completely, the soul will be reduced to ashes, and no remnant soul can be collected...

Because it was instantly wiped out.

Quan Jiayun scanned the scene and asked aloud, "It's all in ashes, isn't there any wreckage?"

(End of this chapter)

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