The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1680 89 of them are not dead

Chapter 1680 There are nine out of ten chances that you are not dead

Si Chengtian poured some of the fragments he picked up with his spiritual sense just now on the ground, spread them out, and moved them to show Quan Jiayun, and said: "Blow it out, all the ones that are still in shape are here, and one that is not few."

Quan Jiayun looked at the fragments that Si Chengtian moved, and scanned them one by one. After reading them all, Quan Jiayun narrowed his eyes slightly.

With her eyesight, she could tell at a glance that there were indeed a lot of tiny wreckage left by magic weapons.

However, there is no Gu Yehui's black tower that released the ghost general, nor the wreckage of the storage ring.

Yes, a storage ring.

When Gu Yehui was fighting with Si Chengtian before, Quan Jiayun secretly noticed that Gu Yehui was not using a storage bag, but a dark green storage ring on his finger.

Although he wore several in his hand, Quan Jiayun could tell which one he was using at a glance.

The storage ring is a class higher than the storage bag.

The high level is not only the size of the space, but also the level of the items.

Gu Yehui's black tower didn't know its rank, and Quan Jiayun didn't dare to judge whether it was really blown to ashes, because it was very possible, after all, the self-destruct energy of a magic core cultivator was indeed very strong.

But things like storage rings don't have the same level as magic weapons and spirit weapons.

The storage ring of the lowest grade is at least in the category of treasures.

The self-destruction of a magic core cultivator is not enough to completely turn a treasure into ashes. In any case, there must be wreckage and fragments.

It doesn't make sense to have nothing now.

Quan Jiayun knocked on the armrest of the sofa, squinted his eyes, hooked up the corners of his mouth, showing a half-smile, somewhat playful smile.

It seems that in all likelihood, Gu Yehui is not completely dead yet.

However, it is normal to think about it.

Gu Yehui is indeed very similar to her in some respects, and he is even worse than him. After all, she still can't do such insane things as blood sacrifices to hundreds of thousands of people.

Of course, if she is a demon cultivator, it may not be easy to say.

How can such a selfish person who only cares for himself only know how to take risks and not leave a way out for himself? ?
She believed he wasn't so stupid yet.

He must have a bargaining chip to dare to come in like this.


Quan Jiayun chuckled lightly.

It seems that this Gu Yehui didn't waste her time dealing with him, after all, she didn't underestimate the enemy before.

If only he was such a piece of shit.

It's not worth spending time on a piece of crap.

He is indeed a person who cannot be underestimated.

The corner of Quan Jiayun's mouth twitched again.

However, even if Gu Yehui escapes this time, it is a foregone conclusion that his body will be exploded and the magic pill will be destroyed. It is only the injured remnant soul on the first floor that escapes.

It would take him some time just to get back to his original state.

Moreover, if she can make Si Chengtian kill him once, she can naturally kill him a second time! !
As long as he dares to appear again, he will hurt her.

A trace of coldness flashed across Quan Jiayun's eyes.

However, the cold air came and went quickly, Quan Jiayun quickly restrained the cold air in his eyes, and said to Si Chengtian: "Throw it away, there is nothing to see."

Si Chengtian turned the communicator around, looked at Quan Jiayun and said, "Is that person dead?"

Quan Jiayun didn't lie to Si Chengtian either.

"Maybe he hasn't died yet. It is very likely that when he blew himself up, he stripped his soul and used some kind of secret method to take the opportunity to escape."

(End of this chapter)

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