Chapter 1682 Xiaobai
Si Chengtian met her teasing eyes, moved his body, and came to another room, and called Xiaobai, the white tiger, to her, and said to her: "Didn't you say you wanted to see Xiaobai? Look , it's back, and it's a lot bigger now."

Quan Jiayun looked at the white tiger that happily ran to Si Chengtian's side and jumped on Si Chengtian's body, and looked at it with great interest.

When she lived at Si Chengtian's place, the little white tiger was only a little bit older and had a fluffy body, so every day when she came back from the military academy and before eating, she would rub this feline animal and play with it as a furry toy.

When she was talking to Si Chengtian the day before yesterday, she mentioned something in passing, wanting to see how it had changed.

After all, a monster like the White Tiger belongs to the Four Spirit Beasts just like Qinglong, Xuanwu, and Suzaku. It is different from other monsters, and it is above all monsters.

This ancient myth is not wrong.

Apparently, these records, which are regarded as fairy tales by later generations, were handed down from the records of the monks at that time. It was just that the practice of cultivation was weak, and those who knew it did not take it seriously.

Quan Jiayun mentioned it because of this, but at that time Xiaobai was sent to the military area for training.

not seen.

He didn't expect such a trivial matter to be mentioned casually, but he took it to heart.

Quan Jiayun glanced at Si Chengtian, then turned his gaze back to Baihu.

Seeing her focus on Baihu, Si Chengtian sat down, touched Xiaobai who was staring at the screen curiously, and said, "Look, Xiaobai still remembers you."

After speaking, Si Chengtian pursed his lips, and then added something in a low voice.

"miss you too."

Accompanied by Si Chengtian's words, Baihu, who was already half a person tall, looked at Quan Jiayun on the other side of the communication, suddenly opened his big mouth full of fangs, and howled at Quan Jiayun on the other side of the communication, like It was protesting Si Chengtian's words.

Quan Jiayun smiled when he saw Baihu's fangs and claws.

She glanced at Si Chengtian and said with a teasing smile: "My lord general, you don't look like you miss me at all, it's almost as if you want to bite me."


The overturned Si Chengtian was embarrassed.

He didn't expect that Xiaobai, who had always been very obedient in front of him, would suddenly be so fierce. Si Chengtian hurriedly stroked Xiaobai's hair, trying to make him behave quickly.

If he could get Si Chengtian's support, Xiaobai would have squinted his eyes and acted coquettishly in comfort.

But now, it still has bristling hair, a pair of spiritual blue eyes staring at Quan Jiayun warily, as if ready to attack at any time
Quan Jiayun looked at the furry appearance of it, and said with a smile: "Sure enough, he remembers me, but this little guy doesn't miss me, rather than bear my grudge, I teased it a lot at that time."

Because when she was playing with Xiaobai, she bullied it a lot. It can be said that all she did was bullying Xiaobai, such as deliberately throwing his play away and so on.

It's all about tossing it and making it unhappy.

The white tiger is a spiritual beast.

Write these down.

No wonder it's the way it is now.

Hearing what she said, Si Chengtian knew the reason now. Although what Quan Jiayun said was teasing, but Quan Jiayun's teasing was really...

Si Chengtian thought of many scenes of her 'teasing' him.

Although at that time he often struggled with being deflated in front of her, but when the picture flashed through his mind, Si Chengtian glanced at Quan Jiayun, and had to admit that he still missed that time very much.

Quan Jiayun noticed Si Chengtian's gaze, raised his eyebrows, and asked with a smile, "What are you thinking about?"

 Good night.

(End of this chapter)

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