Chapter 1683 Miss You
Si Chengtian met Shangquan Jiayun's gaze, and said very naturally: "I miss you."


Hearing these two words, Quan Jiayun's heart skipped a beat, and he looked at Si Chengtian in amazement.

No blush, no alluring look.

When Si Chengtian said these two words, he still had a cold and ascetic face, just like his natural tone, as if he was just stating the literal meaning, without any flirtatious meaning at all.

Even though Quan Jiayun looked over in surprise, Si Chengtian didn't show any awkward expression.

Seeing Si Chengtian like this, Quan Jiayun smiled instantly.

In the next second, she pulled the collar of her clothes charmingly, deliberately exposing the part below the collarbone, then moved closer to the camera, lowered her voice, and said to Si Chengtian in a low and seductive voice: "I am very happy too." Miss you."

In an instant, General Si, who had been able to maintain his composure just now, completely collapsed when he saw that attractive line. The veins on his forehead twitched, and when the heat in his whole body rose rapidly, he almost immediately covered the small body with his hands. white eyes.

Yes, at this moment, Si Chengtian has not forgotten that there is an animal called Xiaobai, even if it is an animal, he doesn't want the animal to look at it.

Seeing Si Chengtian's hurried movements, Quan Jiayun laughed happily, and blew a kiss to Si Chengtian.

"Okay, bye."

Seeing the flashing picture, Si Chengtian let go of Xiaobai's hand.

Amidst Xiaobai's howl, Si Chengtian gave a low smile, and quickly put himself in the mood for work.

Soon, the news that Si Chengtian killed the demon who had killed tens of thousands of people overnight was released.

Not a short briefing announcement.

There is also a picture of Si Chengtian fighting and talking with Gu Yehui. Of course, these have been edited and processed. The information that mentioned Quan Jiayun in the whole process has been edited and dropped. It did not let her show anything, only leaving There is a sentence of Jiangshan blood information.

Other points highlighted Gu Yehui's acknowledgment and the strange methods of his magic cultivator.

As soon as the news was released, the southwest base and the networks in various places exploded again.

Because what happened that night was only a few days old, and now it is under heated discussion. Regarding this dangerous and unknown person, people are still guessing who the devil is.

As a result, Si Chengtian now announced that the demon had been killed.

This impact is naturally big.

People opened the announcements and videos one after another, eager to confirm who the demon was.

And this is not true.

Or was it just a public relations effort by Si Chengtian to help people's hearts.

Among various guesses, the video quickly gave everyone an answer.

The methods that Gu Yehui used in it, the warriors have never seen before, they are all weird and evil moves, it makes people feel very uncomfortable to watch, especially when the ghost will show up.

Seeing the trembling methods, and how happy Gu Yehui was when he admitted it, everyone no longer doubted that this was a public relations project of the Southwest Base.

Because all of this cannot be pretended.

Especially Gu Yehui's methods.

All of a sudden, the name Gu Yehui became famous, but it wasn't the positive reputation, but the negative, after all, this was the first demon to kill such a compatriot after the New World.

In this storm, because Gu Yehui's identity was revealed, the students who were most affected were the students of the Southwest Military Academy, as well as those who had intersected with Gu Yehui.

(End of this chapter)

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