The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1685 The boy who walked out of the cemetery

Chapter 1685 The boy who walked out of the cemetery

So when Gu Yehui's own body blew up, he pulled out his soul and entered the Demon Raising Tower to devour the ghost general. When he was blasted away by the formation, he was transported here with the blood escape magic treasure.

This is easy to say, but it is actually very difficult. After all, he has not entered the magic baby stage, and he cannot leave the body if he wants to.

He can draw the soul to devour ghost generals, that's because he has prepared in advance.

Originally, the existence of the ghost general was another devourer he had prepared for himself, a devourer that could help his soul become stronger.

Now, because of Quan Jiayun and Si Chengtian's calculations, he can only devour the demon he raised in advance to strengthen his soul.

And if there is one step missing, it will be his end.

Now, although he kept his soul, his body and his magic pills were all destroyed.

How could Gu Yehui not be angry?

That is the result of his many years.

However, Gu Yehui quickly pulled the black hole and laughed again.

That's fine, it's just forcing him to choose another path.

He who devoured the ghost general can be said to have changed his life form.

In the future, he can completely exist as a devouring body, live by devouring, and directly devour the form of the devil king and emperor. When he needs a physical body, he can control one at any time.

It's just a change of path, he still won't fall behind too much.

Gu Yehui withdrew his gaze from that direction, and instead of immediately controlling the body that had been prepared, he pounced on the remnant soul in this pit, devouring it with powerful energy.

After a full meal.

It became bigger and some black air got into the cemetery.

After a while, the coffin was pushed away, and a pale hand stretched out from under the ground, followed by a second one, and then, the appearance of the boy was revealed.

The boy was wearing a white shirt and black pants, and he was not short.

But the whole person is too thin, looking unusually thin and slender.

His black hair was too long, and it seemed that it hadn't been taken care of for a long time. It was so vertical that it almost covered his entire face.

When the hand that was so pale that the blood vessels could be seen brushed aside the black hair on his face, the whole appearance of the young man was revealed. It was no longer the handsome skin of Gu Yehui, nor the intoxicating peach blossom eyes.

Now the young man who came out of this gloomy valley is delicate and pale, with a pair of Bambi's eyes, matching with that pointed chin and pretty lips, his temperament is weak and clean, he looks like he has strayed into the darkness by mistake Like the poor little angel in the environment, people can't help but feel pity.

Gu Yehui just walked out of here with a smile on his face, dragging such a weak-looking body.

Others naturally don't know what happened here.

If someone sees it, they may think that Gu Yehui is taking over the house, but in fact it is not. Body.

Not long after Gu Yehui left, he met a team that was out hunting animals.

Looking at these people, Gu Yehui licked the corners of his mouth and smiled. That bloodthirsty smile did not match his own physical temperament, and the combination made it even more weird and terrifying.

These people have no idea that the danger is coming.

Seeing such a handsome, pale and shivering young man, everyone didn't take it seriously at all, and even joked: "Wow, boss, here is a little beauty that suits your taste."

(End of this chapter)

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