Chapter 1686
Hearing what his subordinates said, the tall and strong man of a good man looked this way, and his eyes lit up when he saw the handsome young man.

The man walked up to the handsome young man with a salivating smile, pinched the young man's chin and said, "Hey, you are such a lovely and pitiful little beauty, why are you here alone, and all your teammates are dead?"

The young man bit his lip, and looked at the man with a pair of clear black eyes in horror, and said in a low voice, "Don't, don't kill me."

This made him look more and more pitiful, making him want to be bullied.

The man's belly was on fire, he has such a little hobby of torturing teenagers.

He rubbed the young man's smooth face, smiled greasy and said disgustingly: "Don't worry, I will not only not kill you, but I will also love you well." As he spoke, he carried the young man on his shoulders and said, "Go back to the station!" land."

The boy struggled on the man's shoulder, but of course he couldn't break free from the man who was close to the third rank.

Amid the vulgar laughter and jokes of others, a group of people returned to their temporary camp.

This is a former small rural town, more than half of the houses have collapsed, only a few can live in, and they live here temporarily.

As soon as he returned to the camp, the man hurriedly led the boy to his temporary barracks. The men under the man thought that they would soon hear the boy's screams.

As a result, a few minutes later, it was not the boy's screams, but the boss's screams.

Everyone's expressions changed, and they grabbed their weapons and immediately rushed to that room.


However, when they rushed through the door and saw the scene inside the house clearly, a group of elders who had seen many bloody scenes, their legs were as if they were filled with lead, and they could no longer move forward.

They watched that scene in horror, and whispered from their mouths: "Boss..."

Their boss didn't seem to hear their calls at all.

The naked and bloody man, his eyes are red and crazy, like a lunatic, he is tearing his own flesh frantically amidst the screams, not only tearing, but also gobbling it into his mouth while tearing. Rise.

As if he didn't know it would hurt at all, he kept tearing and even swallowing his own male organs.

This scene just makes me feel sick.

Everyone felt that they were about to suffocate, their whole bodies were numb and in pain, as if they were being torn apart.

They turned their eyes in horror, and saw that pale and frail young man raised his eyelids and smiled at them softly.

If it was just now, they might still have the heart to tease, but now, this smile seems so weird and terrifying to them.

At the moment, these people ignored the situation of the boss, turned around and ran.

However, how could they run away.

A group of twelve people were all brutally killed, and even their souls could not escape, because after killing these people, Gu Yehui broke away from the body and devoured all their souls. their way of reincarnation.

After a full meal.

The huge black air returned to the boy's body, dragging his body towards the opposite direction of the southwest base.

That's right, Gu Yehui didn't plan to kill Si Chengtian now, he knew that he couldn't kill Si Chengtian now, and when he went back, he could just kill some people and cause a little trouble for the other party, and it wouldn't do much.

Gu Yehui is not interested in such small fights.

Therefore, he decided to develop in another place.

The boy's figure quickly disappeared into the dense jungle.

But no one knew about the bloody incident that happened in the wilderness area. When it was mentioned that the team did not return as scheduled, they all thought it was because they encountered a big monster in the wilderness area and were wiped out.

(End of this chapter)

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