The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1693 Daddy and Baby Lolita

Chapter 1693 Daddy and Baby Lolita
Quan Jiayun put away his unruly thoughts, and stretched out two short hands to Si Chengtian.


Because his body became smaller, Quan Jiayun's voice also became softer, and Si Chengtian's heart trembled with the word "hug", and his heart almost melted. Of course, his expression was still paralyzed.

There was no need to hug the princess horizontally, Si Chengtian picked her up and held her in his arms.

Quan Jiayun took out the thousand-change mask, kneaded it a few times, and covered Si Chengtian's face. Immediately, Si Chengtian's handsome face was covered and replaced by another handsome face.

Si Chengtian: "..."

He was silent for a moment and asked, "Whose face is this?"

Quan Jiayun smiled and said: "Don't worry, it's not someone's face, a face I imagined, don't you see your own shadow on the eyebrows?"

Si Chengtian fell silent.

Quan Jiayun said: "Let's go."

Si Chengtian didn't ask her where she was going, but greeted Han Shaoqin through the communicator, and walked out holding the shrunken Quan Jiayun.

It will be a silky drizzle outside.

Quan Jiayun held up his umbrella and said, "This way."

Immediately, the large and small figures disappeared into the rain, and with this appearance of not knowing anyone, Quan Jiayun went to complete her unfinished work everywhere.

This is naturally to avoid the eyes and ears of the Jindan cultivators from the Cultivation League.

After all, Quan Jiayun didn't want to scare the snake, so he attracted Cang Xuan in advance.

That would change her plans.

It is good to act like this.

At this moment, they probably thought that Jiang Shanxue was having fun at the banquet, because when Quan Jiayun left, she deliberately left a paper figurine avatar, and asked for a room to rest in her place.

It is not easy to be discovered by mixing the true and the false in this way.

During Quan Jiayun's actions with the child's face on his face, he also encountered a group of murderers who didn't have eyesight. Seeing that the two were dressed extravagantly, they even wanted to rob them.

Seeing this, the pedestrians next to him hurriedly moved away, who didn't want to get angry.

Facing such a robbery situation, Quan Jiayun flung himself into Si Chengtian's chest, and said, "Daddy, the baby is so scared, please call the police, how can you beat so many of them when you are so weak."

Si Chengtian: "..."

Si Chengtian didn't know whether it was because his heart was tired or his heart was beating faster.

After all, he has never experienced the experience of being called daddy by his girlfriend, and his heart is really pounding.

A group of street gangsters composed of first-order warriors, seeing this scene, laughed unceremoniously: "Fuck, how weak this man is, and he was complained by his daughter, don't worry, little beauty, as long as you Be good, we won't hurt you, tell your dad to transfer the money, don't think about calling the police, your dad will be cold when the police arrive in this place."

Quan Jiayun's voice was louder.

"No, you are not allowed to hurt my daddy."

Si Chengtian patted her on the back helplessly, and cooperated with her and said, "Don't be afraid, baby, they can't hurt Daddy."

May have learned badly from her.

Si Chengtian wasn't too ashamed to say the words baby and daddy this time, and he wasn't ashamed to the extent that his toes curled up.

Si Chengtian turned his gaze, looked at the crowd and said coldly: "You guys scared my baby."

As Si Chengtian said, as soon as his figure moved, he held Quan Jiayun's posture without moving a hand, and gave this group of people a severe lesson with just his feet.

Of course, Si Chengtian showed mercy and only used [-]% of his strength.

Otherwise, everyone here will die.

(End of this chapter)

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