The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1694 Going to the Cultivation League Branch

Chapter 1694 Going to the Cultivation League Branch

A group of people who were still arrogant just now fell to the ground, looking at this man in horror amidst howling in pain.

Other passers-by who watched the show from a distance were also dumbfounded.

With just one kick, this group of ten or so people was swept away.

At this time, how could everyone not know that this gang of gangsters met a powerful person, but who knew that this seemingly lifeless man would be so powerful.

Quan Jiayun stretched out his small head, looked at the screaming people on the ground, and said softly and innocently: "Daddy, you are so weak, you didn't kill yourself with one blow, they are still screaming, it's so noisy, I think Tell them to shut up."

The people all over the place trembled, and the way they looked at this innocent little girl changed.

devil! !
This is the devil.

The tone is so innocent, but the words are wishing that they would cool down faster.

They hurriedly begged: "My lord, my lord, please forgive us."

Si Chengtian didn't look at the people on the ground, moved Quan Jiayun's head, stroked her soft hair and said, "Good boy, you can't watch bloody scenes, let's go."

Quan Jiayun didn't really want these people's lives.

It was just a casual play mentality.

She hugged Si Chengtian's neck, leaned over and said in a shocking voice: "You can't watch the bloody scenes, so why did Daddy go to the baby's bed when you go to bed?"

Si Chengtian: "..."

Si Chengtian would be glad that he was not putting his own face on it.

Otherwise, he would have no face to meet some of his friends.

Everyone trembled, and looked at the backs of the two leaving in a daze, isn't it a father-daughter relationship?What is the relationship between this? Is that man the perverted devil?Shot against such a small loli! !
Under the horrified eyes of others, the two left just like that.

After that, the two of them never met such a deadly person.

In the middle of the night, Quan Jiayun said after completing all the arrangements: "Let's go, go to the branch of the Cultivation League. You're here, so we can do it directly."

Si Chengtian knew that Cangxuan was going to come here next time, so he rushed here at this time. Hearing Quan Jiayun's words, he already understood her next move.

Si Chengtian didn't intend to stop her.

Since ancient times, when a crowd of heroes competed for the throne, it was inevitable to fight.

He carried her in his arms and soon arrived at the Cultivation League branch of the East China base.

The branch of the Cultivation League is located in a small town near the edge of East China. It was originally a relatively remote place, and not many people lived here.

After the cultivators appeared in the world and the signboards here were also posted, more people came here.

People come here every day, hoping to be favored by people from the Cultivation League, and join the Cultivation League to learn immortal techniques.

However, this would be because it was too late, and there were not many pedestrians in the town except for the street lights that were on, so when Si Chengtian appeared with Quan Jiayun in his arms, this combination of big and small attracted all the people who hadn't rested yet. People look sideways.

After all, the appearance of this big and small is extremely high.

Especially the little girl in the man's arms, who looks like a doll and is extremely cute.

"Who are these two people? I haven't seen them in the town."

"He's new here."

"It looks like I'm going to the branch of the Cultivation League."

"What are you doing at the Cultivation League Guild so late? The Cultivation League won't bother you either."

In whispers, the two walked to the deep door, and Si Chengtian reached out and knocked on the door.

"Dong dong dong."

Three polite beeps.

However, no one came to open the door, and an impatient voice came from inside.

"Do you understand the rules? Don't accept people or entertain guests at night. Come tomorrow morning."

 Good night everyone, happy National Day
(End of this chapter)

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