The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1695 Let the person in charge come out

Chapter 1695 Let the person in charge come out

Hearing this impatient voice, Quan Jiayun twitched his mouth and kicked his calf in red leather shoes.

Boom, the majestic and solid door was kicked out, fell heavily into the distance, and smashed to pieces.

This movement shocked a lot at once.

Especially the doorkeeper monk, who was still impatient just now, was shocked. When he heard the knock on the door, he only glanced with his divine sense and knew that it was one big and one small.

Seeing that the breath is very ordinary, I didn't expect the other party to dare to do such a thing.

"A daring lunatic, dare to come to our Cultivation League to play wild, and seek death."

He shouted loudly, moved his body, and quickly came to the door.

Seeing that the man holding the child had already walked in through the open door, the foundation cultivator didn't even think about it, he swung his magic weapon, and in an instant countless flames appeared from the drizzled sky .

As soon as the flame appeared, it instantly dried up the drizzle in this small area, forming a fireball the size of a human head, and smashed it towards Si Chengtian while roaring.

The red light of the flame illuminated the faces of the two under the umbrella.

Quan Jiayun looked at the approaching flame and did not move.

With a sway of his body, Si Chengtian directly avoided the pursuing fireball, appeared in front of the monk, and punched the monk heavily in the abdomen.

This speed was so fast that the monk didn't even react.

As a result, the aura shield on his body was directly smashed, and his body was firmly hit by this punch.

The body of a monk is inherently weaker than that of a body refiner.

Took such a strong punch.

The dantian of the foundation cultivator was almost shattered.

Bang bang bang, his body slammed into trees, flowers and plants uncontrollably one after another, and finally slammed into a corner of the house, and was crushed under the collapsed masonry.

Amidst the violent turmoil in the dantian, a fishy and sweet smell surged into the young man's throat.


Thick and colorful blood spurted from the mouth of the young monk...

Under the loud scolding of the young monks before, at this time, more than a dozen figures had rushed over quickly. Seeing this scene, the faces of these guards all changed.

They read it right! !

One punch.

It only took one punch.

Just beat the vice-captain Dong Lin in the middle stage of foundation establishment like this, and he is holding a child.

Obviously, at least it is a martial artist who is at least a few levels above the third rank.

Looking at the man in the suit, and then at the little girl in his arms, no one acted rashly at this time, because the people above hadn't arrived yet.

Now a monk with the highest status stared at the big and the young, and asked in a deep voice: "I don't know what you mean, why did you come to my Cultivation League branch late at night to make trouble? Is there any festival between my Cultivation League and Your Excellency?"

Si Chengtian glanced at the person who spoke, and did not attack these people, nor did he answer the person's words, but said lightly: "Let the person in charge of your branch come out."

One sentence undoubtedly reveals his majestic aura of a person who has been in the upper class for many years.

Si Chengtian continued to walk inside with his long legs.

Accounts are settled by the people above.

There is nothing to say to the people below.

Si Chengtian did not forget the night when Quan Jiayun advanced to Jindan, when Quan Jiayun was about to fail, a group of people who took advantage of the fire and tried to attack her were members of the Cultivation League.

Originally, when he started to take over the Fifth Army, Si Chengtian wanted to teach the cultivators of the Cultivation League a lesson, but in the end he didn't do it because he was afraid of disrupting her plan.

So Si Chengtian didn't have any objections to coming to deal with the Cultivation League members tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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