The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1696 Dare to ask your name

Chapter 1696 Dare to ask your name
Quan Jiayun looked at the monks shocked by Si Chengtian's majesty, pursed his lips and smiled, turned the ordinary black umbrella in his hand, and turned his eyes back to the front.

A group of monks looked at this and simply ignored their existence. They regarded the Cultivation League branch as one of their own family, and their expressions were very ugly.

In the Cultivation League, especially now that the leader of the Cangxuan League is the most powerful, no matter where they go, they are treated respectfully and respectfully. The ones were cleaned up.

But now, a man suddenly appeared, and he didn't pay attention to them at all.

Like entering nowhere.

According to the normal situation, they should take action to prevent the opponent from advancing and beat the opponent out.


Thinking of the man seriously injuring Dong Lin with one blow.

After that, when they spoke, there was the majesty of someone who had been in the upper class all year round, which made them dare not act rashly, because it was obvious that this man was not ordinary.

Under the circumstances that someone has already gone to report.

This group of cultivators guarding the Cultivation League followed Si Chengtian and the two into the main hall of the Cultivation League.

The buildings of the Cultivation League are somewhat classical, so the main hall is very large. Quan Jiayun entered to take a look, put away the umbrella, pointed to the high position, and said crisply: "Sit there."

As the guarding monk's face changed, Si Chengtian hugged Quan Jiayun and sat down firmly in the highest position.

Si Chengtian just sat down for a few seconds.

Suddenly, a large wave of mixed and powerful spiritual pressure came from a distance, covering the entire hall. Facing such a powerful spiritual pressure, both Si Chengtian and Quan Jiayun's faces remained unchanged, as if nothing happened Same, no nervous look.

Quan Jiayun played with Si Chengtian's fingers on his own, while Si Chengtian looked at her with a hidden smile.

Soon, more than a dozen figures appeared in the hall.

The leader is naturally the altar master of the Cultivation League branch, a monk in the middle stage of Jindan.

He looked at the two sitting on the upper seat who were still playing with their fingers, his face sank slightly, he looked at the man and said, "I am Li Wenzhou, the altar master of the Cultivation League branch, I dare to ask your name."

As soon as he came, he asked his name directly.

He really wanted to know who was so bold to break into the Cultivation League branch!

Hearing this voice, Quan Jiayun and Si Chengtian raised their eyelids together.

Si Chengtian's eyes were dark and deep, while Quan Jiayun's eyes were lively and watery. When he raised his eyes, the hall was brightened a lot in a trance.

Such a cute little girl.

At this time, the monks who saw Quan Jiayun's face clearly, several male cultivators couldn't help but their eyes lit up.

Quan Jiayun ignored these low-level monks. She looked at this man with a very good mental outlook, rolled her eyes, and swept to the side of the altar master.

Three Golden Core monks.

The rest are all monks in the late stage of Foundation Establishment.

Quan Jiayun's eyes narrowed slightly.

There is also one Golden Core monk missing.

As far as she knows, there are a total of five Golden Core cultivators stationed here to suppress the branch,

After all, there are quite a few Tier [-] warriors in the East China base, dozens of them.

It is impossible for just one or two Jindan monks to suppress many third-tier warriors, otherwise, the previous monks would not have been hiding for several years, and they did not rise up until a month ago.

Five is the standard for a club.

It is said that Kyoto's more two.

But now even if one is missing, there are still four Golden Core cultivators.

(End of this chapter)

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