The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1705 What Happened

Chapter 1705 What Happened
From the beginning of the battle, everyone was awakened.

Countless people rushed out of their rooms and looked in the direction of the branch of the Cultivation League.

Among these people are ordinary shopkeepers, people who want to join the Cultivation League, and low-level monks, reserve personnel and family members of the Cultivation League.

They listened to the roaring sound coming from inside, looked at the splendor and fragments that illuminated the sky in various colors, and felt the temperature from hot to cold at this time, and everyone's expressions changed.

"What happened again?"

"do not know."

"It seems that it happened shortly after the big and small went in."

"What big and small?"

"It's just a man and a six or seven-year-old girl. I watched these two enter the Cultivation League branch."

"It looks like a fight."

"should be."

"How is this possible? It's just the big one who dares to challenge the majesty of the Cultivation League. Doesn't it mean that the leader of the Cangxuan League will come to the East China Base next?"

"Who knows what's going on, anyway, this is definitely a fight, this movement looks terrible, I have to step back."

"I don't know who will win."

"The Cultivation League must have won. I found out clearly that there are five Jindan stage monks in this Cultivation League branch, which can stand up to many third-tier fighters. Who can win without a big man like Cangxuan? Since seeing Jiang Shanxue, who is so crazy to go to heaven, in charge of the military region, he hasn't made a move against the Cultivation League."

"That's true. I came here to join the Cultivation League because I saw Jiang Shanxue so afraid of the Cultivation League. Let me tell you, I have successfully opened my spirit. I have seven spiritual veins. I can officially join the Cultivation League tomorrow. "

These words immediately aroused a burst of envy.

As for those low-level monks living outside the Cultivation Alliance, that is, they only have the cultivation base of the Qi Refining Stage. Looking at this situation, they are also discussing it.It is discussed.

"Should we go to support?"

"What's the support? The altar master and the elders are there. We low-level monks will add to the chaos if we go. We just wait quietly for the altar masters to win."

"Yeah, we mainly stay here."

Amidst the different discussions among the crowd, it didn't take long for the astonishing visions and roaring sounds of the Cultivation League branch to disappear, not even a single light.

Back to darkness on rainy nights.

The vague outline is like the mouth of an abyss.

I have no idea what kind of danger is inside.

Seeing this scene, those low-level monks who belonged to the branch of the Cultivation League hesitated, not sure if they wanted to go and find out.

Just when a group of people didn't take a step, they stretched their necks to watch and listen to the movement from a distance, suddenly they heard footsteps and a series of humming sounds without lyrics but tunes within their hearing range.

This tune is a little weird and gorgeous, like a child's voice humming a happy fairy tale, but it doesn't make people feel happy, instead it sounds creepy on this rainy night.

Hearing this movement, everyone's eyes opened wider, trying to use their best eyesight to see through this rainy night and see the farthest place.

With the footsteps getting closer.

They also saw a faint figure, a tall figure who seemed to be holding an umbrella.

Everyone's face changed.

Not a child?

Soon, the figure entered the range of the street lights and entered the field of vision of everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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