Chapter 1706

Only then did everyone see clearly that it was not one person, but two people.

A handsome man in a black classic three-piece suit hugs a cute little girl in a black and red loli dress.

The umbrella was in the little girl's hand, and it was spinning slowly, and the series of humming sounds that made people feel nervous came from the little girl's throat.

As if seeing the scrutiny of so many people, the little girl rolled her eyes and said to everyone: "Good evening, everyone."

Very friendly hello.

The crisp voice, paired with that white and tender face with big eyes, is really cute and cute.

But no one answered.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the two of them, and they secretly slid their throats.

Everyone remembers that the commotion at the branch of the Cultivation Alliance was said to have started not long after the freshman and junior entered.

The little girl didn't seem to care whether there was any response, and continued humming in a good mood.

The man holding her moved forward silently. In the direction of his advance, those human walls that had previously blocked the front, like tides, receded one after another and opened up a spacious road.

Seeing that the two were about to leave, someone finally mustered up the courage to ask, "What did you do at the Cultivation League branch?"

The person who asked the question was a monk in the early stage of foundation establishment, who was under the Cultivation League.

Quan Jiayun tilted his head, looked at the speaker, and said with a sweet smile: "It's better to see it with your own eyes than to ask."


The Foundation Establishment cultivator's throat tightened, and he didn't dare to ask any more questions.

In this way, in the eyes of everyone, the big and small figures quickly disappeared into the rainy night. As soon as the two disappeared, a group of low-level monks from the Cultivation League immediately rushed inside.

Entering the branch, all the monks froze.

Inside, it was like a typhoon of magnitude [-] passing through. Trees fell and houses collapsed. What was even more frightening was that there was blood everywhere. After they froze for a moment, they moved inside cautiously.

Soon, they found the body of Elder Jin who had been split in the middle, and the body of Master Li Tan.

When they found that the corpses of the great figures they had admired and revered appeared one by one, even in incomplete appearance, the spirit of these monks was greatly impacted.

All the monks were trembling, they were dead, they were all dead.

how can that be.

Aren't they great?

All of a sudden, many timid ones ran outside immediately, not daring to stay here any longer, for fear that they would be wiped out if they took a step too late.

Amidst the panic here, a cold wind blows quickly overnight.

In the early morning, the branch of the Cultivation League was kidnapped overnight, and the news that the four major Golden Core cultivators were all dead spread throughout the entire East China base, and it was also spreading to other bases at the same time.


"It is said that a man and a little girl did it. It should be Jiang Shanxue's people, because Jiang Shanxue's people have already recruited all the remaining monks in this branch."

After several high-level warriors finished speaking, they tensed up and looked at the man in front of them, not daring to breathe.

I'm afraid that the other party will turn their anger on them when they are furious. After all, this is the first person to challenge his authority directly after the Cangxuan leader appeared in the world and showed his majesty.

It even killed all the high-ranking monks of the branch overnight.

This is completely without scruples to Cang Xuan's face.

Cang Xuan didn't slap the table to get angry, he just looked in the direction of the East China Base with a gloomy expression. After a while, the corner of his mouth raised, and he ordered: "Leave to the East China Base immediately."

(End of this chapter)

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