The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1711 As long as my blood is here

Chapter 1711 As long as my blood is here

As soon as Quan Jiayun's voice came out, the people who had been making noise just now fell silent. After all, everyone knows the truth of shooting the first bird.

With Jiang Shan's blood here, who dares to say that he wants to leave.

After all, they wanted to leave to survive, not to die now.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Quan Jiayun didn't force anyone to come up to answer her. She looked down at the faces and continued with a soft snort: "Don't put on a bitter face and think that I I'm here to keep you, you don't have such a big face yet."

Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed, and they looked at Jiang Shanxue in surprise.

Didn't come to keep them?

That is……

In the astonishment of everyone, Jiang Shanxue's next words exploded in everyone's ears.

"I will not stop anyone who wants to leave the base, open the city gate."

With Quan Jiayun's order, the heavy city gate was opened, and the rows of soldiers blocking the gate also moved out of the way, revealing the big gap in the gate.

The martial artist standing at the front saw this scene, his eyes suddenly lit up, as if he had seen the door of hope.

But no one dared to rush out first.

Because no one knows if this is another trap.

So everyone glanced at the gate, then looked up at Jiang Shanxue, wanting to confirm if it was true.

Quan Jiayun looked at this group of people who did not dare to move, and was very satisfied with her majesty. She said calmly, "The city gate is now open, and you can all go out, but..."

The sudden tone made everyone's hearts tremble.

Quan Jiayun continued unhurriedly: "I'll say an ugly thing first."

Everyone's heart skipped a beat, and their eyes flickered as they stared at Jiang Shanxue.

Quan Jiayun's lips curled up, staring at the faces below, the handsome faces were full of domineering arrogance.

"As long as you walk out of this gate, you will no longer be members of the East China base from today on. I don't care whether you live or die outside, and you will never come back."

This scene was also shown to the other three city gates through the live broadcast.

Everyone looked at Jiang Shanxue standing in mid-air, their hearts were pounding, and their faces were a little dazed.

never come back?

They didn't expect Jiang Shanxuerang's request to leave was this one.

Can't come back?Upon hearing this, some people began to back down. They just wanted to avoid disaster for the time being, and didn't think that they would never come back.

This is their home.

How can I leave.

While everyone was dumbfounded, Quan Jiayun raised his eyebrows and spoke again.

"As for the ones who stayed in the base obediently, I just want to say this to you, as long as I am here, no one can hurt you, whether it is Cang Xuan or other invaders with higher cultivation levels. "

This is a very domineering remark, fully showing Quan Jiayun's powerful aura.

Looking at Jiang Shanxue standing in the air with his hands behind his back, the hem of his military uniform being blown by the breeze.

Everyone was shocked by his demeanor at this moment.

In the various cities in the base, those little girls who did not leave and watched the live broadcast almost jumped out of their hearts.

"Ahhh, so handsome, how can he be so handsome, I really want to marry, I'm going crazy, ahhhhh!"

"It's too domineering, I knew the commander would not ignore us, I knew it"

"Whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow "

"Ah, Commander, I love you so much."

(End of this chapter)

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