The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1712 Clearing away the trash

Chapter 1712 Clearing away the trash
Some crazy little girls didn't care that it was the person reflected on the holographic screen, pasted it, treated Jiang Shanxue as a real person, and kept booing.

The people in the entire base who were in a panic because of Cangxuan's approach seemed to be given a reassurance at this moment.

Of course, there are still a lot of voices who don't believe in it.

"It's nice to say, but can he beat Alliance Leader Cangxuan? It's not like I haven't seen the video of Alliance Leader Cangxuan fighting, but once a fight starts, he can destroy a city with just raising his hand. kill us."

"Yes, you should pay attention to what he said. He said that as long as he is here, he would not dare to hurt us, but if he can't beat us and runs away, who cares if we live or die."

"That's right, this Jiang Shanxue is a murderous maniac. If you can believe his words, a sow can go to heaven."

"Let's go, don't listen to him, let's hurry to the gate of the city, if we are late, we will be too late, the leader of the Cangxuan Alliance must have come halfway by now."

"But if you didn't listen to him, you can't come back after you leave, and you won't care about our life or death."

"I said, are you stupid? As long as he dies in this battle, this will be the territory of the Cangxuan leader. Wouldn't the Cangxuan leader let us in?"

In the East Gate where Quan Jiayun was located, no one dared to speak so presumptuously, but they didn't say it, and many people thought so in their hearts.

Quan Jiayun didn't care what these people thought.

Facing them, she said her last words.

"That's all for now. You can choose your own path. Before choosing, I would like to give you one last piece of advice. I, Jiang Shanxue, say the same thing. If you choose the wrong path, don't blame me for being cruel and not giving you a chance."

As Quan Jiayun spoke, he turned around neatly and stood on the city wall.

Seeing that Jiang Shanxue really did not intend to suppress them by force, but really wanted to let them go, everyone stood there for a few seconds, and then looked at each other's faces.

In the next second, many people rushed out of the city together.

This is true for the four city gates.

All of a sudden, it was full of people rushing out.

In this turbulent flow of people, on the contrary, many martial artists who had been clamoring to leave before stepped back. They looked at Jiang Shanxue's back and hesitated for a while, then gritted their teeth and walked back.

Some of these warriors who refused to leave believed Jiang Shanxue's words.

Some are willing to gamble because they feel that going to the wilderness is also an adventure.

No matter what these people thought, the riot that lasted almost two hours was resolved after Quan Jiayun's arrival, which was easy and simple.

Quan Jiayun stood on the city wall, looked at these warriors running out, smiled, and looked at the dense forest and ruins in the distance, with a cool smile in his eyes.

A clean excellent place always to clean up some rubbish.

These martial artists who think they have some skills, don't know that they are classified as garbage, they run wildly, some plan to go far to hunt, and some plan to go to the small base closest to East China, just make do Stay for a few days.

Soon, in Quan Jiayun's eyes, items that belonged to garbage disappeared one after another.

Quan Jiayun did the math, the four city gates were opened, and hundreds of thousands of people walked away, which means that the number of body-training warriors in the East China base has decreased by nearly one-tenth.

And most of the people who go are the second-tier fighters of the backbone.

Tier [-] warriors are rare.

Ordinary people are less.

(End of this chapter)

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