The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1720 Battle Nascent Soul 1

Chapter 1720 Battle Nascent Soul 1
Through the holographic screen, they stared at Jiang Shanxue in a daze, and suddenly remembered that Jiang Shanxue said in public that as long as I, Jiang Shanxue, are here, no one can hurt you...

And now, he did what he said.

He really protected them.

Thinking of before, comparing now.

In an instant, tears welled up in many people's eyes, some even shed big drops of tears, and some called out the words "Jiangjun Commander" loudly.

Because they really felt it, no matter how cruel and cruel Jiang Shanxue was.

Now they are truly protected by Jiang Shan's blood
This effect is enough to change their mentality.

Even those who had objections to Jiang Shanxue in the past are now moved.

Quan Jiayun didn't need to look at it, he also knew what would happen inside.

As far as buying people's hearts is concerned, as long as she wants to, she can do well, and what she wants is that these people are willing to submit to her, so that they will serve her family wholeheartedly in the future.

Quan Jiayun rolled his eyes, and continued: "Besides, it is not certain who will kill who now, the leader should not be too confident."

Cang Xuan squinted his eyes and said: "It seems that you deliberately stayed outside the formation, just to fight to the death with this deity."

Quan Jiayun smiled and said: "Of course there is such a meaning. After all, don't you claim to be the number one in Huaxia's list? As the number five, I am quite unconvinced."

Cang Xuan nodded and said: "Okay, very good."

Cangxuan waved his sleeve robe, and immediately, his people retreated far away.

In the sky above this area, only Quan Jiayun and Cang Xuan were left.

In the base, countless people watching this scene through the holographic screen swallowed their saliva nervously, and their whole bodies were tense, because this can be said to be the first battle in China.

Moreover, because of Jiang Shanxue's statement just now, many people have begun to worry about Jiang Shanxue's safety.

Standing still, Cang Xuan took the lead in making a gesture of invitation.

Quan Jiayun is not polite, she never sticks to the bullshit demeanor of who comes first in battle, and even she and Cang Xuan talking nonsense for a long time here are just accumulating energy.

When Cang Xuan made a pose.

Quan Jiayun immediately made a move.

A fire-colored spear appeared in her hand, and in an instant it swelled to the size of several people, wrapped in hot flames, and went straight to the position of Cangxuan.

Seeing this, Cang Xuan stomped casually, and dodged it with teleportation. Then he raised a finger and pointed at Quan Jiayun.


A finger wind whistled from Cangxuan's fingertips, and in a moment it transformed into a powerful tornado, heading straight towards Quan Jiayun. This blow seemed easy, but it was powerful.

Because besides the strong mana, the monks in the Nascent Soul stage are different from the low-level monks in that they can mobilize the power of heaven and earth for their own use.

One, two, or three points of mana can mobilize ten times, twenty times, or a hundred times the power of heaven and earth.

This is why Nascent Soul cultivator can easily kill several Golden Core cultivators.

Because it is essentially different,

Facing this blow, Quan Jiayun also teleported.

Because apart from teleportation, it is very difficult to dodge, but she cannot prevent it with her own aura shield, when Quan Jiayun's footsteps move, that is, when Cangxuan points to the wind.

Cang Xuan didn't continue to pursue, and suddenly his whole body was shaken with spiritual power.

With this shock, the exposed corner of Quan Jiayun's Xinghe sword was a little unstable in the air.

(End of this chapter)

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