The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1721 Battle Nascent Soul 2

Chapter 1721 Battle Nascent Soul 2
This is exactly when Quan Jiayun used the spear weapon, he took the opportunity to sacrifice the Xinghe sword that was ambushing there. Quan Jiayun's fluctuation from the crack in space had already calculated that he would come out from there.

So it just happened to teleport the Xinghe sword there.

If it was a Jindan cultivator, he would have been attacked by this sword.

But Cang Xuan is a Nascent Soul cultivator after all, he can mobilize the energy of heaven and earth, and he can see the small cracks in space, so he can naturally feel the changes around him, even if the changes are weak.

Seeing this sword that silently wanted to attack him, Cang Xuan snorted coldly, his body changed, and he stretched out his hand to grab the hilt of Xinghe Sword.

"With this sword, you can't hurt the deity."

When Cang Xuan uttered these words, the corner of Quan Jiayun's mouth twitched.

She couldn't sneak attack Cangxuan, so she naturally counted it. After all, it's not like she hasn't fought with the Nascent Soul cultivator before, and what she wants is Cangxuan to grab her sword.

As soon as Quan Jiayun released his huge consciousness, he spit out two words from his lips.


Suddenly, an astonishing force of time spread from the Xinghe sword, and the gray aura instantly enveloped Cang Xuan within it, and Cang Xuan's expression changed for the first time.

He immediately noticed that his body was aging.

It seems that under the shroud of gray and white air, all time flows faster than usual.

Cangxuan threw the sword, and immediately used teleportation to escape tens of feet away from the scope of the gray-white aura, and at the same time squeezed out the gray-white aura that had just entered through his capillary pores.

Even though Cangxuan reacted so quickly, Cangxuan could still clearly feel that he lost almost 30 years of life in just this one breath.

This made Cang Xuan's expression unchanged.

A monk cultivates immortality in order to live longer. For a monk, life is naturally the most important thing, although he has a lifespan of nearly a thousand years in the Nascent Soul stage.

But he himself is almost 300 years old.

For the remaining 700 years, he will go from Nascent Soul Cultivation to Transformation God, and he feels sorry for wasting ten years, because it means that the time for him to arrive will be ten years shorter, let alone 30 years.

Cang Xuan stared coldly at Jiang Shanxue in the distance, and really wanted to kill.

If he still had the intention of cherishing his talents before, and wanted to humiliate the other party severely, and then let the other party serve him, then when the other party showed a formation, and displayed this spell, this person would not be able to stay.

A technique that shortens a person's lifespan.

This clearly belongs to the category of Taoism!


He has not yet realized a Taoism, this kid will be able to, how can Cangxuan allow him to exist.

Quan Jiayun held the Xinghe sword that had returned to her hand, and smiled happily.

"The first sneak attack succeeded."

This complacent look became even more flattering, Cang Xuan's eyes turned cold, and suddenly, a white feather fan appeared in his hand, and the fan was as wide as Lou.

Cangxuan leaped into the sky, and vigorously fanned out towards Jiangshanxue. In an instant, the vitality of the entire world in this area outside was stirred, and a tornado that was comparable to level [-] or above appeared, sweeping across the area for several miles in an instant. .

With such a wind speed, these small space gaps are also turbulently fanned by the wind speed, and they can't teleport at all.

What Cangxuan wants is that the opponent cannot teleport, and can only bear the power of this whirlwind abruptly.

(End of this chapter)

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