The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1727 Will the Army Commander Lose?

Chapter 1727 Will the Army Commander Lose?

When everyone stared at the tree with wide eyes in astonishment, Quan Jiayun had already slashed down with a sword that had stored up all his strength. This sword was so powerful that it immediately cut off countless branches.

But because the tree is too big, there are too many branches.

So when Quan Jiayun's sword went down and cut off many branches, more branches were lifted up, like green pythons, with a ferocious intention towards Quan Jiang Jiayun's sword, Quan Jiayun bombarded and entangled.

This scene, because it was too dense, made people feel a little tingling in the scalp.

Quan Jiayun narrowed his eyes slightly.

With such dense branches, it is difficult to cut off all the branches in a short time, because the branches can grow again, as long as Cang Xuan's spiritual power is not exhausted.

Moreover, Quan Jiayun could tell that this was not an ordinary willow branch, but a branch of the Ten Thousand Years Willow King, because the middle branch had turned pale golden in color.

That is Wang Hua's variation.

Presumably, Cangxuan got the willow heart of ten thousand years from nowhere, so that he could cooperate with his own wood spirit power to push the willow tree to such an extent.

Each branch of the ten thousand year willow tree is very tough, and once it is heavily bound, it is deadly enough.

Knowing this, Quan Jiayun didn't get entangled with so many willow sticks, her figure blurred, and she suddenly disappeared into the void, and when she reappeared, she was several feet away.

However, although Quan Jiayun fled away, these branches did not give up their attack.

In the eyes of everyone, they saw that this huge willow tree could move, as if it had grown legs, and immediately ran after it.

This unreasonable scene made everyone feel unreal again.

Is it still true that a tree can run by itself?
Only Quan Jiayun could see with his spiritual sense that the willow tree could move because in the center of the big tree, Cang Xuan's whole body was embedded in it, entwined with dense green silk.

Obviously he is the power supply of this tree now.

At this moment, Cangxuan is like a tree man, directing his countless branches to entwine and beat Jiang Shanxue.

Under such dense attacks, Quan Jiayun couldn't even get close to Cangxuan. She could either use a sword or throw a fireball talisman to deal with such dense branches.

However, no matter whether it is a sharp sword or a large amount of flames, they can only temporarily destroy some of the branches, and they cannot be completely removed, so Quan Jiayun still has to use teleportation to dodge around.

If it wasn't for Quan Jiayun's teleportation skills, she would have been unable to escape from such an attack. Here is enough to see that there is still a huge gap between the Nascent Soul Stage and the Golden Core Stage.

Seeing that the situation was reversed in an instant, Jiang Shanxue was chased away by densely packed branches like pythons.

The people in the base felt their hearts throbbing once again.

It's also horrible.

If it were them, they would have been entangled long ago.

Only people like the commander can get out of the way.

However, how would the commander deal with such an attack.

Or, the commander will lose?

Just thinking about it, those who were already on Jiangshanxue's side suddenly felt their throats tighten, and immediately shook their heads vigorously, comforting themselves, no, no, the commander is so strong, he will definitely not lose.

Compared with the sinking mood in the base.

Cangxuan's people outside the base showed joy, with the confidence to be arrogant again.

Sure enough, Master Cangxuan is invincible, No. 1 in the world, no, once Master Cangxuan gets serious, won't this Jiangshan blood have to be embarrassed?

(End of this chapter)

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