Chapter 1728
Quan Jiayun will devote herself wholeheartedly to this battle. After all, this is her first battle with the Nascent Soul cultivator after returning to Earth.

But there is no time to care about the reaction of people outside.

Quan Jiayun swung his sword again, and after cutting off the branches in front of him, his toes landed on the ground, and with a heavy step, the soil immediately sank, revealing a large pit tens of meters deep.

Quan Jiayun's body wrapped in the spiritual light shield immediately entered the ground, making her invisible.

Seeing Jiang Shanxue's behavior, Cang Xuan in Shuxin let out a cold snort.

Does this kid think that he can avoid his attack by getting off the ground?
delusion! !
Underground, but with the roots of big trees, it is still very easy to find him.

Cangxuan's spiritual consciousness immediately sank down to the roots and found where Jiangshan's blood was. Then, he immediately manipulated the thick roots to wrap around Jiangshan's blood.

At the same time, the many branches of the big tree pierced into the ground one by one, rolling the ground up.

It can be described as a two-pronged approach, not giving Jiang Shanxue a chance to breathe.

As a result, Quan Jiayun changed from a chasing battle on the surface to a chasing battle underground.

While one was chasing and the other was running away, suddenly, a thin figure appeared from the thick tree trunk, clenched his fist with his right hand, and with a bang, he hit the willow tree trunk hard.

There was a loud noise, and the branches of the towering tree trembled.

This is obviously Quan Jiayun's evil corpse Xiaohui.

When Quan Jiayun went down to the ground, he was dispatched there in a certain way, because Cang Xuan's attention was always on her side, and because the Sha Corpse was originally a yin, a dark underground creature.

Therefore, Cang Xuan didn't realize the approach of the evil corpse at all, so suddenly, he was hit by the evil corpse several times heavily.

These few blows were said to have hit the tree pole, but because Cang Xuan was in the heart of the tree, the willow trunk was undoubtedly his own body, which caused his body to shake a few times.

Cang Xuan hadn't been directly attacked for many years, and suddenly became furious.

When he got angry, countless willow branches rushed over and immediately wrapped the evil corpse.

However, this deadly branch entanglement technique is not very useful to the evil corpse, because the evil corpse is a lifeless thing, and it is not afraid of being entangled to die.

So although the evil corpse was entangled.

But it is omnipotent to tear and bite.

This kind of movement forced Cangxuan to devote two parts of his mind to deal with this evil corpse. As for the eight parts of his mind, he was still chasing Jiang Shanxue frantically.

Even if he couldn't kill Jiang Shanxue for the time being, at least watching Jiang Shanxue flee in embarrassment would relieve his anger.

Quan Jiayun was indeed very embarrassed during this kind of pursuit, fleeing here and there, because if he was half a minute slower, he would be entangled, but in this kind of fleeing.

There was no panic on Quan Jiayun's face at all.

As if she was afraid that Cang Xuan was not angry enough, she continued to irritate Cang Xuan with words.

"Leader Cangxuan, you won't be able to do this, right? What else can you do, just use it, don't be polite, or I don't think you can do anything to me for a while."

When Cang Xuan heard this, his face twitched violently.

However, although there was anger in his heart, Cang Xuan forcibly suppressed it, because he knew that this kid was deliberately trying to provoke him and disturb his mind, and how could he be provoked by him.

(End of this chapter)

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