The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1729 Calculation

Chapter 1729 Calculation
Cangxuan didn't make a sound, just increased his spiritual power, making the roots stronger, bigger and faster, chasing the fleeing people underground.

This put more pressure on Quan Jiayun.

But Quan Jiayun didn't stop her mouth, she was still saying: "Yo yo, it's getting faster, hee hee hee, but you still can't hit me, you just can't hit me, you say you are a Nascent Soul Cultivator, why are you so weak, if I were a Cultivator Yuan Ying, I would have killed you by the sword long ago, how can I let you jump around for too long?"

Cang Xuan was finally so excited that he made a sound.

He gritted his teeth, and said word by word: "You don't need to provoke this deity, at least it's not this deity who is running away in embarrassment now, let's see which one of us exhausts its spiritual power first."

Even if he can't kill Jiang Shanxue now.

But as a Nascent Soul cultivator, his spiritual power must be stronger than Jiang Shanxue's. Once Jiangshanxue's spiritual power is exhausted, Jiangshanxue's death will be the time! !
Quan Jiayun sighed and said: "Why did I provoke you? What I said was the truth, and I am still modest. If I am not at the early stage of Golden Core today, but at the late stage of Golden Core, you have to do it now." died."

Cang Xuan choked with anger again.

In Quan Jiayun's words so angry that Cang Xuan was about to lose his mind, Cang Xuan didn't notice at all that there were some changes in the willow tree that were slowly changing.

Just when Cang Xuan realized something was wrong, the willow tree had already shrunk a circle.

And there is a posture of continuing to shrink.

Cangxuan immediately increased his spiritual power, but it was useless, the willow tree was still shrinking, as if the spiritual power went down, it would be swallowed up all at once.

How is this going?

Cang Xuan was startled suddenly, and just as he was waiting for his spiritual sense to check carefully, the Jiang Shanxue figure he was chasing suddenly disappeared, not in a teleportation, but in this area for real. In the middle, no trace of shadow can be found.

Cang Xuan frowned, and suddenly became vigilant.

How could it disappear in an instant.

Stealth?It's not like, because if Jiang Shanxue is hiding his energy, with his cultivation base, he believes he can still see the clues.

Did this kid use the Talisman of Thousand Miles Teleportation to teleport and escape?

Cangxuan's consciousness spread further, looking for the figure of Jiang Shanxue. At the same time, he was also checking the changes of the willow tree. During this check, he found that the heart of Wannian Liumu had become much smaller.

This is?

Cang Xuan took a careful look, and a look of joy suddenly appeared in his eyes.

It can be said to be very excited.

It turned out that at some point, among the giant willow roots, there appeared another rhizome exuding a green light that looked like a villain, gnawing on the willow tree.

Because this root is very small, and it is very similar to the willow root, and he himself has a willow heart of ten thousand years, and the spirit of Yimu is very strong, and he was a little confused by Jiang Shanxue's words before.

So I didn't notice this slightly different rhizome.

It's really confusing, it's too real.

Taking a closer look, Cang Xuan recognized it.

Where is this rhizome, it is clearly the essence of Otoki! !

The Essence of Yimu, this is a higher level of herbal essence than Wannian Liumuxin, no wonder his Wannian Liumuxin has been eaten a lot.

However, at this time, Cang Xuan couldn't care less about his Wannian Liu Muxin who was eaten.

While Cang Xuan was vigilant with Jiang Shanxue, he immediately manipulated the wicker and roots to grab the spirit of Yimu.

For him, compared to Jiang Shanxue, the spirit of Yimu is undoubtedly more important.

(End of this chapter)

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