The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1730 Tearing Cangxuan's Body

Chapter 1730 Tearing Cangxuan's Body
With the essence of Yimu, his way of wood will evolve greatly, and maybe he will also understand the way of birth from the way of Yimu.

Just when Cangxuan was excited to catch the spirit of Yimu, Quan Jiayun, who had been hiding in the small world just now, suddenly appeared, and she appeared directly under the tree roots as soon as she appeared.

The Xinghe sword penetrated into it, attacking upwards from the heart of the tree.

She grabbed the gap that was cut below, burst out most of her spiritual power, and tore it fiercely, and at the same time she tore it, the spirit of Yimu also sucked it fiercely.

The stabbing sound spread in all directions immediately.

I saw that the willow tree, which had shrunk a lot, was torn apart from the middle, and Cang Xuan, who was embedded in it, would not be able to get out immediately because it would be connected to the willow tree with green threads.

And because when connected, the aura shield cannot be deployed.

So in this tearing, his body was also torn apart.

Cang Xuan immediately let out a heart-piercing howl...

Everyone inside and outside the base trembled.

Actually, now, they can only see a small shadow of the big tree, because during the fight, the two sides have drifted away a long distance, and they can't see the whole battle at all.

But this miserable howl was too loud.

So everyone was surprised.

what happened?
Whose roar is this?

Everyone looked away, trying to see something.

In this area, the painful willow tree, or Cangxuan, with thick branches and main veins, crazily smashed hard at the Jiangshan blood that had just emerged from the ground.

If it was Cangxuan's heyday before, facing such an attack, even if Quan Jiayun had a defensive magic weapon, he would not dare to resist it, because he was afraid he would be seriously injured.

But now, after the willow wood was torn apart, and when the heart of Wannian Liumu was half swallowed by the spirit of Yimu, the attack had weakened a lot, and Quan Jiayun could completely protect himself with the ice silk umbrella.

She grabbed the separated tree pole, stood on the ground, held up the willow tree and tore it again.

Cang Xuan screamed again.

This time, Cangxuan's body was completely divided into two pieces, and Quan Jiayun's Xinghe sword pierced through his body, took this opportunity to stab Cangxuan's Nascent Soul.

Because killing the Nascent Soul cultivator, only by killing the Nascent Soul can the future troubles be eliminated forever.

Cang Xuan couldn't care less about repairing his physical body.

He roared crazily, and his whole body exploded with true energy.

In the next moment, a white light flashed above Cangxuan's heavenly spirit, and a three-inch-sized baby came out and teleported to a distance. This was the Nascent Soul cultivated by Cangxuan.

At this moment, the Nascent Soul's face was pale. He glanced unwillingly at the body that had been divided into two pieces, staring at Jiang Shanxue and let out a sharp roar.

"Jiang Shanxue, I will make you pay back a hundredfold for the enmity today!!!! I swear."

As soon as these words came out, before Quan Jiayun could make another attack, Cangxuan's Nascent Soul blurred and immediately fled into the void.

He actually resolutely abandoned his physical body and escaped with the Nascent Soul.

Quan Jiayun watched this scene, but did not chase after it.

She knew that the soulless Nascent Soul's escaping technique could use space cracks to escape thousands of miles away. Although she had mastered the teleportation technique in the golden core stage, she couldn't teleport so far.


The corners of Quan Jiayun's mouth curled up evilly.

Now it depends on whether Cang Xuan's luck is good enough!

Because while she was waiting for Cangxuan, she had already let Si Chengtian go out, and the place she went out was thousands of miles away.

If the direction Cang Xuan was going in was exactly the direction Si Chengtian was in, with a punch, then Cang Xuan would definitely die.

 good night

(End of this chapter)

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