Chapter 1742

Hearing that Cangxuan ended up in such a distraught end, Quan's father and mother felt a little bit embarrassed while rejoicing.

This Nascent Soul cultivator who led the world of comprehension to be exposed, stood at the top of the list, and was also known as the No. [-] monk in China, died just like that. He died cleanly, without even the qualifications for reincarnation.

This makes them have to sigh.

In their hearts, the Golden Core cultivators were very powerful figures, just like their masters.

Nascent Soul cultivator is an even more impressive existence.

When Cang Xuan appeared in the world, it caused a great shock in the whole of China and the whole cultivation world.

However, since reuniting with their daughter, they broke their habitual thinking again and again, just like the previous battle, they realized how strong their daughter is.

Compared with Quan's parents' reactions, Quan Xuesong and Lu Wanwan sighed so much.

Quan Xuesong looked at Si Chengtian and his righteous sister, and in admiration, he wanted to become stronger.

Lu Wanwan gave a thumbs up, looked at Si Chengtian with sparkling eyes and said, "General Si, you are really amazing, you are indeed the man my sister Yun likes."

When Si Chengtian heard the first sentence, his stern face didn't react at all, but the latter sentence suddenly made him, a little girl, more fond of him, she really can talk.

Thinking about it, Si Chengtian subconsciously looked sideways at Quan Jiayun.

For him, Quan Jiayun's reaction is the most important.

With this look, he met Quan Jiayun's smiling eyes.

Quan Jiayun looked at Si Chengtian and said with a smile, "Well, it's really great."

Quan Jiayun's praise was not adulterated, she had planned to run away Cang Xuan, but she didn't expect Si Chengtian to intercept Cang Xuan abruptly in this way.

Of course she was happy about it.

It proves that her man is still very flexible, and the more powerful her man is, of course it will also give her embarrassment.

The few words that Quan Jiayun uttered simply were like the most beautiful notes hitting Si Chengtian's heart lake, and the corners of Si Chengtian's mouth immediately rose.

This smile made Si Chengtian's stern and paralyzed face look a little more human, handsome and more vivid, showing the charm of another look.

With a smile on his face, he said shyly, "Fortunately, it's not as powerful as your senior sister. Besides, you don't need to call me General Si, just call me Big Brother Si."

Of course, it would be better to call her brother-in-law.

Si Chengtian secretly added in his heart.

Listening to Si Chengtian's words, Lu Wanwan was stunned for a moment when she saw the smile on Si Chengtian's face.

Because she remembered the information she had obtained before, the General Si of the Southwest Base seemed like a robot, who didn't know what a smile was at all. She didn't expect it, she didn't expect it...

Lu Wanwan secretly glanced at Quan Jiayun next to her, admiring this senior sister even more.

Sister Yun is really really amazing, not only conquered General Si, but also changed her. See, when General Si looked at Sister Yun, he was not only smiling, but his eyes were full of emotion.

Ah, the sour smell of love.

I don't know how Sister Yun conquered General Si.

While Lu Wanwan's eyes were brightening, Quan Hanyi glanced at Si Chengtian, looked at his daughter and said, "Although Cangxuan has been solved, you should not be careless and proud, in case you run away one day It is not impossible for someone who is stronger and higher than you to come out, in short, you should be more careful in your actions in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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