Chapter 1743 Xiaosi

What Quan Hanyi said was not because he underestimated his daughter's ability.

It's just that seeing a character like Cang Xuan die like this made him understand that this era can really be said to be changing rapidly, and no one can guarantee what tomorrow will look like.

He was afraid that his daughter would be too proud and let down his vigilance, so he had to mention a few words.

However, Quan Jiayun, who has been in the cultivation world for decades, and has returned after having his body destroyed, doesn't need Quan's father to mention these things. However, Quan Jiayun didn't feel disgusted by his father's nagging words. She knew that her father also cared about her.

She smiled and said: "I know this, Dad, don't worry, come, try this."

As she spoke, she picked up a chopsticks dish for her father.

With this topic changed, Quan Hanyi didn't bother to say anything more, he believed that his daughter had a sense of propriety.

As soon as Cangxuan's topic fell, Shu Leying stared at Si Chengtian's eyes, and wanted to ask Si Chengtian's family a question, she turned around in her heart, and then said: "Well, Si Chengtian , I can call you directly like this."

Si Chengtian was already sitting very upright, but when he heard his mother-in-law's voice, his back straightened even more, and he hurriedly said, "It's fine, you can call me whatever you want, you can call me Xiaosi."

Seeing Si Chengtian like this, Shu Leying couldn't help but smiled, and she had a better impression of Si Chengtian, she smiled and said: "Okay, then I will be called Xiao Si, Xiao Si , I don’t know who else is in your family.”

Quan Jiayun couldn't help but twitched his mouth when he heard his mother ask this.

Are parents like this, as soon as they see their daughter's partner, they want to find out about other people's family affairs?To be honest, Quan Jiayun felt that it was unnecessary, it was just a relationship.

However, Quan Jiayun didn't interrupt her mother, she could just ask if she wanted to,

Anyway, it seemed that Si Chengtian was quite cooperative.

So, during the meal, Quan Jiayun heard more things about Si Chengtian's family for the first time. Of course, Shu Leying also talked about Quan Jiayun's childhood.

During such exchanges, the atmosphere in the whole room became more and more harmonious. When Tang Haoyue returned to the room, she saw such a warm picture.

She looked at the man who interacted with the master from time to time, her eyes sank, and she called the man's name in her heart.

Si Chengtian! ! !
Si Chengtian sensed this gaze, glanced at Tang Haoyue's face, and looked at Quan Jiayun. Quan Jiayun introduced: "This is my apprentice Tang Haoyue, Si Chengtian, your master's man."

Tang Haoyue showed a faint expression and nodded.

"General Si."

Si Chengtian nodded lightly and said nothing.

He keenly felt that this glamorous woman seemed to be somewhat hostile towards him, and after the woman sat down, he confirmed this guess even more.

She snuggled close to Quan Jiayun's other side, and snatched all the things that could be done for Quan Jiayun, such as pouring wine, picking up vegetables, peeling shells, etc., and even pestered Quan Jiayun to ask questions about the formation , so that Si Chengtian couldn't interfere at all, and couldn't talk to Quan Jiayun, so the previous small interactions were all gone.

It made Si Chengtian look like an outsider, he could only watch the few of them eagerly interacting.

And because everyone paid attention to the formation issue, no one noticed Tang Haoyue's secret poking.

When Si Chengtian was depressed and was eating, suddenly Si Chengtian's thigh itched.

(End of this chapter)

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