Chapter 1761

Originally, this place was a grand canyon surrounded by mountains, but the location of Wu's house was the corner with the best geomantic omen in the canyon. Although it was a corner, the valley road was not small.

At a glance, it is enough to be the size of a dozen football fields.

Behind the wide square, there are several floors of buildings, which are different from the buildings that look a bit earthy on the outside. The bluestone hall on the waist looks very tall and tall. It can be said that at a glance, it can be seen that this is a prosperous big family.

At this time, on the wide square, most of the Wu family members stood there. Seeing that the cover of the outer formation had been broken, they were stunned for a moment, and then their expressions were extremely ugly.

Among them, Wu Yinyao stood behind his father, looking straight at Jiang Shanxue with a pair of beautiful eyes, seeing that Jiang Shanxue was still so handsome and personable.

For a split second, Wu Yinyao couldn't help remembering the last time he walked in front of her and presented flowers to her, but when she thought of her, her heart was moved, but she was teased by him so much, Wu Yinyao gritted her silver teeth, full of heart resentment.

Wu Yunhe also looked gloomy as ice when he looked at the people outside.

Quan Jiayun glanced at the Wu family, and seeing Wu Yinyao staring at her resentfully, she smiled, and blinked her right eye at Wu Yinyao lightly, this hook-like look made Wu Yinyao's thoughts flicker.

In the next second, Wu Yinyao stared at Quan Jiayun with a colder expression.

Quan Jiayun chuckled happily.

At this time, Li Lin said: "Xiexie, let me see how to break it next."

Li Lin was really excited. He had been thinking about the Wu family's big formation for a long time, but when he came to the Wu family last time, the big formation hadn't been activated, and he himself couldn't spy any traces.
Now that there is a Jiangshan blood pressure formation, he can study the formation without any hesitation.

When Zhan Hu and the others heard Li Lin's words, they immediately stopped, because it was obvious that Jiang Shanxue had acquiesced, and he was indeed capable.

Although the strength is the same, the effect of the slashing commanded by him is different from the chaotic slashing by himself and others.

In the formation, Wu Anfu, who was standing at the front, looked at Li Lin, and said to Li Lin, "Young Li Daoyou, this Jiang Shanxue is obviously someone who is not recognized by his relatives. What will happen after you follow him? Don't be stupid, you have been with Cangxuan alone. He won’t trust you at all, and if he’s not happy, or if you’re not satisfied with something, he’ll be the first to take the knife.”

"I will give you a chance. By observing the formation, I will let you in through a gap. From then on, I will let you get rid of Jiang Shanxue. At the same time, my Wu family will give you the position of elder Ke Qing."

Wu Anfu saw that Li Lin really had the ability to break the formation, although he didn't think Li Lin really had the ability to break the formation, but just in case, he made a decisive decision to lure Li Lin in first, and then do the foolish thing later.

As long as Li Lin was fooled into coming in, Jiang Shanxue, who couldn't break through the formation, could only watch. When they were exhausted, he would show them magic weapons.

Wu Anfu thought well.

But what he didn't know was that Li Lin was actively begging to serve Jiang Shanxue.

No, when Li Lin heard Wu Anfu's voice transmission, he directly opened his mouth to him with a silly expression of Elder Wu and said, "Elder Wu, I asked to come to Commander Jiang's side on my own initiative. You take the position of Elder Keqing." It's no use fooling me."

(End of this chapter)

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