The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1762 Wu Family Puppet

Chapter 1762 Wu Family Puppet

As Li Lin said, he said with a serious expression on his face: "If it's you, surrender early, otherwise, when our army commander breaks through the formation, it will be useless to say anything at that time."

Wu Anfu didn't expect that Li Lin would call out the hidden things he said through the sound transmission in front of so many people, and he was still trying to persuade him to surrender.

Looking at him one after another, Wu Anfu was so angry that his blood surged up.

He stared at Li Lin angrily, roaring in his heart.

I didn't expect that Li Lin was such an idiot.

How dare you refuse this opportunity so bluntly.

If this is a smart person, they will weigh each other, even if they don't agree for a while, they will definitely leave a way out for themselves, and they will never reveal this matter.

idiot! !idiot! !
Wu Anfu scolded several times in his heart, stared at Li Lin and said, "I backed down again and again, and I really thought our Wu family was weak and could be bullied. Yunhe, Yunqi, bring out the golden man and let them have a look."

Soon, twenty humanoid puppets nearly three meters high were brought out.

They are shiny golden and look like a golden man made of gold. The head is a protruding head without a nose, just two holes and a big square mouth.

They stood at the forefront and immediately brought a huge momentum.

Obviously, if they break the formation, the first thing they have to face is these puppets who don't know pain.

Zhan Hu and the others narrowed their eyes slightly, but there was no trace of fear on their faces, because Jiang Shanxue sitting there gave them enough confidence, Commander Jiang didn't panic, why did they panic! ! !
Wu Anfu looked at the faces of the people outside, imitating Jiang Shanxue, and asked someone to bring the master's chair. He sat on the master's chair, looked outside coldly and said: "I won't let them attack you now, the old man will Let's see if you can break through the formation today."

Wu Anfu's words were full of sarcasm, but also full of confidence.

He still fully believes in the formation left by his ancestors.

Quan Jiayun looked at Wu Anfu's posture, chuckled lightly, and said to Li Lin, "Look first."

Li Lindang flew high in the sky, looked down at the terrain, the direction covered by the formation, and carefully observed the surroundings. This observation lasted for an hour.

Quan Jiayun was neither anxious nor impatient.

Because she closed her eyes, her consciousness sneaked halfway into the small world.

She could have broken through quickly.

But she is not in a hurry. Since Wu Anfu is so proud, it would be more interesting to break him up bit by bit. Now, let Li Lin palm his eyes first. Of course, it is best for Li Lin to break it. up.

Now, Quan Jiayun uses the illusory spirit body to shuttle into the hall.

After a while.

Si Chengtian still sat cross-legged in his original position without moving. She stared at Si Chengtian who was still enlightened for a while, and then looked at the painting that Si Chengtian was staring at for a while, but she couldn't distinguish it. What kind of Tao did Cheng Tian realize now?

Quan Jiayun watched for a while and saw that his breath was long, so he left with peace of mind.

After all, he was her man, and she didn't want Si Chengtian to die while enlightening to the Tao. This happened from time to time, just like the last time she enlightened to the years.

After leaving the main hall, Quan Jiayun went to play with Long Xiao for a while, and told Long Xiao that there was fun outside.

In fact, it was to fool Long Xiao out to do coolie for her.

Although Long Xiao learned a lot from Quan Jiayun, he still couldn't play with Quan Jiayun. After a few words, he happily ran out with Quan Jiayun.

(End of this chapter)

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