The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1763 Don't wrong a good person

Chapter 1763 Don't wrong a good person
However, this time, Long Xiao didn't use the prototype of the dragon clan, but came out of it, so the momentum was not huge.

Ever since, when the milk doll wearing a small golden suit suddenly appeared in Quan Jiayun's arms, except for Wu Yinyao who had been peeking at Jiang Shanxue from time to time, no one else noticed it first, because this would be the meeting of the Wu family. All his attention was on Li Lin.

Wu Yinyao was stunned when she saw such a little doll carved in powder and jade suddenly appearing in Jiang Shanxue's arms.

What's this?child?

Where did the child come from.

A child of Jiang Shanxue? ?
For a moment, Wu Yinyao's eyes stared straight at Long Xiao's face, as if they were filled with ice, as if they were about to poke a hole in Long Xiao's body with their eyes.

As soon as Long Xiao came out, he received this intense gaze.

He raised his eyelids to look at Wu Yinyao's face, and saw the hidden grief and anger in the other party's eyes, Long Xiao immediately let out a cold snort.

He has seen this look a lot.

In TV dramas, those women who can't fall in love with a certain man will usually look at people with this kind of eyes when they see a new woman appearing next to the man they love.

He rolled his eyes, broke free from Quan Jiayun's hand, jumped off Quan Jiayun's lap, and floated in mid-air a little higher than Quan Jiayun, looking down at Quan Jiayun with an expression he knew best Said: "It's another romantic debt left by you, a playful liar."

Long Xiao, who has been studying human culture tirelessly this year, "actually just watches various TV dramas and plays games" is not ambiguous at all when he speaks, and cuts directly to the point.

Quan Jiayun looked at Wu Yinyao on the opposite side, shrugged, and said with an innocent face: "It is clear from heaven and earth, I have neither kissed her small mouth nor touched her body, so it is my romantic debt. Don't blame a good person like me."

Although Wu Yinyao couldn't hear Quan Jiayun's voice, she could see the shape of Quan Jiayun's lips, and understood what Jiang Shanxue said. Her blood rushed to her head, and her pretty face flushed all of a sudden. , angry.

She really wanted to eat Jiang Shanxue's blood.

Obviously he was the one who teased her shamelessly and said that he was a good person! !Wu Yinyao only hated herself for having bad eyesight, but she was actually tempted by such a hypocrite who had one thing on the outside and another on the other side.

How blind! !

Long Xiao saw that Quan Jiayun said one thing after another, and couldn't find words to refute it. After all, he really didn't know the inside story, so he gave another cold snort, refuting the most important point.

"You are a good person."

After finishing speaking, Long Xiao shook his head and looked forward.

At this time, during the conversation between the two without concealing their volume, more people discovered the milk doll floating in the air.

There are two small purple-black horns standing in the middle of the blond hair. He is wearing a small golden suit. He looks like he is only three or four years old.

Isn't it a stinky fart? Because Long Xiao is a purple-black demon dragon, his hair is black after his transformation. As a result, when he knew that his hair can be dyed now, he immediately asked Quan Jiayun to get him a hair dye. With golden hair dyed,
Reason, he thinks this is more conspicuous and handsome, because in the hearts of dragons who love gold and jewelry, which color is more beautiful and noble than gold.

Needless to say, this change of color is indeed more conspicuous and better-looking.

(End of this chapter)

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