The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1764 This king is so pretty

Chapter 1764 This king is so pretty
Because of Long Xiao's transformed appearance, compared to Chinese children, he looked like a European Caucasian child, with a golden hair, which didn't look abrupt at all, but only made his facial features clearer.

He only had this golden hair dyed before, Long Xiao Jiantian stood in front of his big mirror, leaned his waist and shook his head at the person in the mirror and sighed: "This king is so pretty."

"Why is this king so beautiful?"

"My king looks handsome again today."

"Why does this king look good again?"

Even up to now, Long Xiao still hasn't stopped his narcissistic behavior. Almost every morning when he wakes up, after getting dressed, he will stand in front of the mirror and express his feelings about how good-looking he is.

Just now when Quan Jiayun went to look for Long Xiao, Long Xiao was sighing in front of the mirror.

Quan Jiayun has long since discovered that Long Xiao has become more narcissistic as he deepens into human culture and pays more attention to appearance.

Every time I see this little kid with such a stinking appearance, I also find it funny, because that look is really funny, she sometimes shakes her head when she looks at it, and she is narcissistic, arrogant and stupid at a young age.

I don't know if this stupid dragon will find a partner in the future.

Most likely to be disliked.

Long Xiao, who was called a stupid dragon by Quan Jiayun, would go crazy if he heard him called a stupid dragon. Fortunately, he didn't know this nickname.

This time, Long Xiao directly ignored the large group of people in front of him, and with his purple-black vertical pupils, he saw the tree next to the main hall bearing more than twenty green and fresh fruits, and the tree next to it was full of vermilion. Fruit tree.

Qingming fruit!Red blood fruit!
Long Xiao's eyes lit up, and he thought, sure enough, that hateful woman didn't lie to him about this.

Sure enough, there are a lot of delicious fruits!

Long Xiao only felt that his mouth was drooling.

Long Xiao usually loves to eat fruit, and he ate all the fruits in the small world, but he didn't grow back so quickly in a while, because the spirit fruit takes years.

Long Xiao has eaten fruits in this world, but the taste is much worse, and he can't satisfy his craving at all.

Now I see these two spiritual fruits.

Long Xiao smacked his mouth, and immediately rushed over like a small firecracker, but because of the enchantment of the formation, of course Long Xiao couldn't rush in.

But when he bumped, the Wu family members inside felt the ground tremble.

The faces of the Wu family suddenly changed, and they looked at the child in horror.

Originally, when they first saw such a child floating in the air, many people thought that Jiang Shanxue used spiritual power to support him, otherwise how could such a child float in the air.

It is necessary to know that the monks who established the foundation can use spiritual power to fly in the air.

Unexpectedly, the reality opened their eyes.

This kid is no ordinary kid at all.

"Give it to the king."

Long Xiao was impatient, and punched the barrier with his small fist. Although his fist was small, in terms of strength, no one present was his opponent, including Quan Jiayun.

As a result, the sound of thunderous bombardment was heard from inside and outside.

Under the bombardment, it was the shock caused by the space of the land. People with weaker Wu Jiaxiu, even within the formation, were a little unstable, and the houses outside the formation swayed amidst the shaking , is about to collapse.

Seeing this situation, Wu Yunhe's face became anxious, and he whispered to Wu Anfu: "Elder Elder, this kid has an extremely powerful monster aura. I'm afraid it's not a human being, but a monster in the form of a monster."

(End of this chapter)

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