The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1772 It's Impossible To Disrupt Her Mind

Chapter 1772 It's Impossible To Disrupt Her Mind
In fact, the more she looked at these people, the calmer Quan Jiayun's mind became. These images did not give her any infatuation or illusion, and she was just cooperating with the illusion here from the beginning to the end.

At this moment, she was just thinking sarcastically, this phantom really worked hard in order to confuse her, and put the people she cared about one by one in turn.

I want her to treat this place as real because of her reluctance.

I want her to dismiss reality as an illusion.

If she really regards these as real, she must be lost forever and disappear in the end.

But, what a pity, such an illusion wants to keep her?
Quan Jiayun looked at everything that was indeed very realistic, and shook his head slightly.

I underestimated her too much.

If she was so easy to shake her mind, how could she have made it to where she is today? I'm afraid she would have died countless times.

Quan Jiayun stared at grandparents, grandparents, and the faces of relatives for a few seconds, as if trying to remember them. Although these were illusions, she was still very grateful for the illusion, allowing her to see one side.

But other than that, nothing else.

A ruthless look appeared in Quan Jiayun's eyes, and together with his fingers, several fireballs were thrown up.

Suddenly several screams sounded.

Grandpa's body was in flames, and he questioned Quan Jiayun in disbelief: "Yunyun, why are you doing this to Grandpa?"

Parents, Xiang Junqing, and everyone present questioned Quan Jiayun in pain, as if she was a person who could not be punished.

Quan Jiayun ruthlessly released a fire dragon directly.

Burn them all clean.

A dead person is dead, so how can she disturb her mind.

If she does not dare to deal with the illusion and indulges in illusion, then she will be sorry for those who are waiting for her outside the reality.

With the deaths of these people, the existing space began to become turbulent. Obviously, Quan Jiayun was so determined to kill his own relatives without blinking an eye, making this phantom almost impossible to maintain.

It seems that it can't find anything that can break this person's mind.

Just when the illusion was about to condense into Si Chengtian.

Quan Jiayun gave the final blow at this time.

She raised her sword and slashed fiercely at the opening in front of her.

"Break it for me."

With this majestic and domineering shout, all the obstacles in front of Quan Jiayun were broken, and a large barrier appeared in front of Quan Jiayun's eyes, as well as those monks who were watching her.

At the same time, within the residential area of ​​the Wu family's ethnic group within the formation, there was a faintly visible pavilion that shook slightly.

With the shaking of the pavilion, the barrier also fluctuated.

Although the shaking range is not very large.

But Wu Anfu's expression changed, he grasped the handrails with both hands, glanced at the direction of the pavilion quietly, and looked at Jiang Shanxue again, unable to sit still.

At this moment, Wu Anfu was no longer as sure as before.

Could it be that this Jiangshan blood can really break through?

In Wu Anfu's panic, Quan Jiayun took advantage of the phantom and did not dare to pester her, and immediately expanded his consciousness, covering the entire enchantment, and based on the location of the formation eye she found, he performed calculations, and it was very easy Soon to find another formation eye.

After all the eyes of the formation are found, it will be much easier to perform deduction calculations to break the formation.

After a few minutes.

Quan Jiayun put down his hand, smiled slightly at Wu Anfu, and said: "The formation of the three talents of heaven and earth, the formation set up by your ancestors is indeed good, but unfortunately, it was me who met."

Wu Anfu's face became even more ugly when he heard her point out the Wu family's protective formation.

(End of this chapter)

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