Chapter 1773

The same goes for other Wu family members. They didn't expect Jiang Shanxue to really have this talent, but they quickly comforted themselves by thinking that Jiang Shanxue just saw it now, and it didn't mean he could break it! !
The Wu family comforted their own people so much, but the people outside were overjoyed.

Sure enough, Commander Jiang is invincible! !
Among them, Li Lin, who is most eager for formation, heard Jiang Shanxue's answer, stared at it and thought, is it actually a three-talent formation of heaven and earth? ?

Just now he thought about it for a while, and he thought it was the Liangyi phantom formation. Now that he thinks about it, this kind of formation is indeed more like the legendary three-talented formation of heaven and earth.

Sure enough, his morality is far worse than Jiangshan blood.

Li Lin looked at Jiang Shanxue with piercing eyes, and admired Jiang Shanxue even more, almost looking at him in admiration.

Quan Jiayun glanced at the gloomy Wu family, then turned his gaze to Li Lin, who was watching her adoringly, and said to him, "Come with me."

Immediately, Li Lin's eyes lit up, and followed Jiang Shanxue to the sky above the barrier.

Quan Jiayun stretched out his slender fingers, pointed to a pavilion below which only the pointed top could be seen and was almost covered by clouds and mist, and said: "This pavilion hangs above, and it is the eye of the formation for the three talents of heaven and earth. Qi dominates changes in the sky, so the attacking Qi in the enchantment is activated by it."

Quan Jiayun pointed down again, pointing to a dense and thick pavilion and said: "This is the eye of the earth in the formation of the three talents of heaven and earth. The earth is the thickest, so the defense and protection are launched by it."

Quan Jiayun pointed to the side again, pointing to the looming pavilion in the bamboo forest and said: "This is the eye of the formation of the three talents of heaven and earth. Humans are the most fickle, and the hearts of the masters are changeable. From it the phantoms of losing oneself in the world."

"These three pavilions are the main eyes of the formation, and they are distributed in the shape of a character. From here to here, there are air gates connecting them. There are three here, three there, three on the right, and three out of nine. All of them form a triangular formation. , connected to the eyes of the formation, forming a cyclical trend, so the defense of this enchantment is very thick, and even under the transformation of the gods, it cannot be broken by force."

"Of course, if I reach the Nascent Soul stage, I don't need to transform into a god, and I don't need to look at the formation, and I can break it."

Li Lin listened to Jiang Shanxue pointing out the location of the formation's eyes one by one, his eyes lit up with frenzied light, almost absorbing such pointers madly, and heard Jiang Shanxue's last words.

He said submissively: "That's natural. The army commander can kill Yuanying before he arrives at Yuanying. After Yuanying, he will definitely be able to kill Huashen."

Hearing the words from above, the soldiers below were ecstatic, but the Wu family below were stupefied. They saw Jiang Shanxue pointing at him so casually, and talked to others about the location of their protective formation. Pointing out, it's almost hard to believe this fact.

"Great elder, patriarch, this is not right!"

"Jiang Shanxue is talking nonsense there!"

Some ordinary Wu family members who didn't know the location of Da Zhen Zhen's eyes wanted a negative answer from the elders of the clan. They didn't want to admit it, and they were seen through by the other party in a short time.

However, Wu Anfu remained silent.

Wu Yunhe didn't say a word.

Their silence caused the Wu family members who had just recovered their arrogance to lose their morale and excitement.

Can break! !
Jiang Shanxue is not joking, he really can break it! ! !Now what?
(End of this chapter)

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