The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1778 Quan Jiayun's attack

Chapter 1778 Quan Jiayun's Counterattack
Ancestor Hongli looked back along his fingers, and as soon as his eyes touched Quan Jiayun's face, he saw that those who were fleeing just now did not run around, but all ran behind this person in an orderly manner.

She raised her eyebrows in surprise.

It turned out that the person in charge turned out to be a Golden Core cultivator, and just now I felt that his aura was a little bit wrong.

Just as Patriarch Hongli looked back, Quan Jiayun slapped his sleeves up and down, bringing all these people into the small world, including Long Xiao.

Because if she didn't make a move, under this extremely fiery mood, even if they were third-tier bodies, they would all be burned to ashes in just a moment, and she couldn't save them even if she was present.

This is the power of the artistic conception of the monk who transforms the spirit, because under this artistic conception, it is impossible to call the water method and the ice method to cool down.

This woman's artistic conception is fire, and here is the world of fire. In her artistic conception, only fire is the king, and everything can be burned. Everything else is in vain if the artistic conception can not activate the law.

The artistic conception of the monk who transforms the gods can only be aimed at the artistic conception.

If it is said that the step from human to monk is the difference in the nature of the human body, then the step from nascent soul to deity is the first step from human to immortal.

Artistic conception is a means to make countless Nascent Soul monks fear at first sight.

Even a great monk with a perfect Nascent Soul is only one step away from a cultivator of the Transformation God, and he is an extremely vulnerable existence in front of a cultivator of the Transformation God stage who understands the artistic conception.

Quan Jiayun had been fortunate enough to have encountered several cultivators who transformed spirits, so he knew a little more about the artistic conception, knowing that the power of the artistic conception is quite domineering.

Therefore, everyone was taken away without hesitation.

Ancestor Hongli saw that Quan Jiayun's sleeves were all taken away by everyone, and his eyes were aroused with two points of interest.

She stared at Quan Jiayun and said: "You used the storage space to collect them, do you want to deal with me alone?"

Quan Jiayun asked back: "Yes, can't it?"

Patriarch Hongli sneered when he heard this, looked at Quan Jiayun holding the umbrella, sweating all over his body, and struggling to support it, and reminded Quan Jiayun with interest.

"It's just that this defensive magic weapon can't protect you for long, and I haven't tried my best, so you really don't plan to escape?"

Quan Jiayun raised his brows as he looked at the woman enveloped in fire.


Quan Jiayun smiled and shook his head.

"There's nothing to run away from. If you were here, I might run away in fear, but a clone is not enough to make me fearful."

Patriarch Hongli narrowed her eyes dangerously.

"is it?"

Quan Jiayun didn't talk nonsense, he sacrificed the magic weapon and attacked the ancestor Hongli.

However, before the magic weapon got close, it was directly melted into molten iron and flowed down.

Afterwards, Quan Jiayun attacked several times, but nothing happened.

Patriarch Hongli shook his head in disappointment.

"That's it? It's not good behavior to talk big. If you only have this kind of ability, you should die early."

Patriarch Hongli said that she was walking towards Quan Jiayun. She was not walking fast, but every time she took a step forward, the fire around Quan Jiayun increased by one point, which was invisible firepower.

Although Quan Jiayun's ice silkworm umbrella has the attribute of ice, it is obviously unable to resist such fire.

The outer layer of white silk has been burned and melted.

It was about to burn down the umbrella, the aura shield, and her body.

Quan Jiayun instantly activated countless diamond talismans and water shield talismans, but these vajra shields and water shield talismans were burned as soon as they took shape or before they were formed.

At this time, Patriarch Hongli was only a dozen steps away from Quan Jiayun.

(End of this chapter)

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