The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1779 The Art of Time

Chapter 1779 The Art of Time
Under this coercion, Quan Jiayun bent her knees, plopped, and knelt down on the ground in embarrassment. The umbrella covered her hanging head, and only her heavy and clear breathing could be heard.

But she still didn't give in, she was still constantly arousing the talisman with her mantis arm to block and repel.

Because the talisman is a spell that has been sealed long ago, it can be used at this time, but the spells in the talisman are just a drop in the bucket under such an artistic conception.

Because it is consumed so quickly, no amount of talismans is enough.

The Wu family was extremely excited to see Jiang Shanxue, who was so arrogant before, in such a mess, but after seeing Jiang Shanxue throwing so many talismans one by one, jealousy arose again in their joy.

Hold! !Where did the villain Jiang Shanxue get so many second- and third-tier talismans?

It is very time-consuming to know that a successful drawing of a talisman.

Ordinary monks would be rich if they had hundreds of them, but Jiang Shanxue has all kinds of talismans, the number is extremely large, and the rank is not low, which is simply unbearable.

But they quickly suppressed this trace of jealousy, and stared at Jiang Shanxue with eyes full of contempt.

However, no matter how many there are, in the mood of the ancestor, they are all scum! ! ! !No matter how much he has, it is not enough.

Seeing Quan Jiayun like this, Patriarch Hongli was also disappointed. He thought that if he dared to challenge her, he had something that made her feel impressive.


After all, those unfilial children and grandchildren were too weak, and even such a monk scared them out of their courage and sacrificed her.

Hey, it's really not as good as one generation.

Amidst such sighs, Patriarch Hongli stopped three meters in front of Quan Jiayun, and said in a desperate voice: "Although I didn't beg for mercy, it's a bit kind, but if you die, you don't have to work so hard. Go Bar."

Not clear but not bland, neither angry nor irritable, like speaking to ants.

Patriarch Hongli flicked his sleeves, and the long sleeves made of fiery red flames, like a veil of mist, went straight to Quan Jiayun's face.

Obviously, with this hit, Quan Jiayun wouldn't even exist as a living corpse.

But at this moment, Quan Jiayun's aura suddenly changed drastically.

Almost as soon as Quan Jiayun's aura changed, with her as the center, the land within six meters also changed instantly.

Originally, on this land, because of the extreme fire mood of the ancestor Hongli, all the weeds and trees were burned to ashes, and it became a scorched land with nothing.

And as the gray-white mist with ripples of time spread from Quan Jiayun as the center, the scorched black land with nothing seemed to fast forward, and the land regained its vitality, and soon a greenish green appeared. Grass.

And this is not a change brought about by the Way of Wood.

It is the change brought about by the years.

The Hongli ancestor also changed, because the Hongli ancestor stood three meters away from Quan Jiayun, and was within six meters of the ripples of the years.

Ancestor Hongli opened her eyes, and her expression changed for the first time since she appeared.


Patriarch Hongli didn't dare to stay in such an area for a long time, with a cry of surprise, his body almost flashed away from this area instantly.

But her body was still affected by the breath of Quan Jiayun's Way of Time. Although it was extremely weak, it was fatal to Patriarch Hongli
Her bright red flame was gradually fading away, visible to the naked eye.

Feeling the changes in his body, Patriarch Hongli looked at Jiang Shanxue differently, both in astonishment and fear.

(End of this chapter)

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