The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1783 The consciousness of being fished

Chapter 1783 The consciousness of being fished
Regarding the things in the distance, Quan Jiayun didn't know, and didn't care too much, because she knew that even if Wu Hongli's body is not dead now, and she still knows about this matter and wants to come back, it will take a lot of effort.

At that time, who knows what will happen.

Quan Jiayun didn't worry about things so far away. After Wu Hongli's avatar disappeared completely, Quan Jiayun turned around and looked at the Wu family inside the barrier sarcastically, like looking at a bird in a cage.

The Wu family looked at Jiang Shanxue, who was still handsome and handsome, and felt chills all over his body.

Because all of this is so shocking.

The sudden changes made their heads barely able to keep up.

First, the ancestor said that Jiang Shanxue was not a man.

Then the ancestor, that lofty ancestor actually backed down in front of Jiang Shanxue, and promised to owe Jiang Shanxue a favor for them not to be harmed.

However, Jiang Shanxue didn't appreciate it.

Then the ancestor dropped a threatening word and disappeared completely, leaving only this demon still in existence.

The Wu family members have had several ups and downs due to the changes in the war today. Looking at Jiang Shanxue standing there, the complacent feeling just now that they wanted to step on Jiang Shanxue's feet suddenly turned into panic again. .

Jiang Shanxue wiped out the ancestor's avatar, so what can stop him now?

All the Wu family members just felt that their hearts were piercingly cold, and they didn't know what to do next?
In this depressed mood, Wu Yunhe was the first to react.

He turned his mind quickly, glanced at the great elder next to him, calmed down and said: "Commander Jiang, how offended you were just now, our Wu family will send 100 refiners to refine weapons for the commander as we wish. Jia Wei's army commander is always on the lookout, if the army commander needs our Wu family for anything, our Wu family's definition is irresistible, and we will never shirk it."

Wu Anfu's eyes moved when he heard Wu Yunhe's words of seeking peace with a low attitude. He gave Wu Yunhe a sideways look, and he blamed Wu Yunhe for overstepping him and making claims.

But Wu Anfu didn't interrupt Wu Yunhe after all.

The so-called people have to bow their heads under the roof.

Although Wu Anfu still has the support of the town's magic weapon, the ancestors have not been able to deal with Jiangshan's blood. As for using the town's magic weapon to deal with Jiangshan's blood, Wu Anfu does not dare to have too much hope.

Therefore, Wu Anfu let Wu Yunhe finish speaking, and after Wu Yunhe finished speaking, he added a special sentence: "Commander Jiang also heard what the ancestor said just now, and the ancestor also wanted to befriend Commander Jiang very much. Yes, I don't want to be evil."

Wu Anfu actually wanted to remind Jiang Shanxue to remember the last words of his ancestors. There are still people in their Wu family who are behind them. If Jiang Shanxue does not want to gain a powerful enemy, then it is time to weigh it now.

After all, everyone would rather have one more powerful friend than one more powerful enemy.

Quan Jiayun just wanted to laugh when he heard what the Wu family said.

She did indeed laugh, laughing at their innocence.

She said: "When you thought you could kill me, you didn't show mercy. Why do you think that now, if you say a few nice words, I will shake hands and make peace with you. There is no such cheap thing in the world."

Quan Jiayun shook his head, his eyes were filled with indifference.

"When you want to kill others, you have to be conscious of being fished."

With a wave of Quan Jiayun's hand, all the people she took into the small world just now were released.

(End of this chapter)

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